



package utils

Linear Supertypes
Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. utils
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. class Counter extends AnyRef
  2. sealed trait Doc extends AnyRef
  3. trait ExceptionTag[T] extends AnyRef

    Allows to tag an exception with additional debugging data.

    Allows to tag an exception with additional debugging data. It could be used as follows:

    if (isBad( element ) ) throw new Exception with ExceptionTag[Element] { tag = element }

    and be used in a try pattern match on the command-line.

  4. trait ExternalProgram extends AnyRef
  5. trait LogHandler extends AnyRef
  6. case class Logger(domain: String) extends Product with Serializable
  7. sealed trait Maybe[+T] extends AnyRef
  8. trait Maybe0 extends AnyRef
  9. trait Maybe1 extends Maybe0
  10. class MetricsPrinter extends LogHandler
  11. class MetricsPrinterWithMessages extends MetricsPrinter
  12. class NameGenerator extends AnyRef
  13. case class Statistic[T](n: Int, min: T, max: T, avg: BigDecimal, median: BigDecimal, sigma_square: Option[BigDecimal]) extends Serializable with Product

    Holds the statistic parameters of a collection of elements of type a numerical type T

    Holds the statistic parameters of a collection of elements of type a numerical type T


    the type of elements the collection contains


    the size of the data


    the minimal element


    the maximal element


    the average element


    the median element


    the square of the standard deviation (only exists for n >= 2)

  14. class TimeOutException extends Exception
  15. case class Tree[+T](value: T, children: Vector[Tree[T]]) extends Product with Serializable
  16. final class UOption[+T] extends AnyVal

    Unboxed option type similar to Option[T].

    Unboxed option type similar to Option[T].

    Note that USome(UNone()) == UNone() and USome(null) == UNone().

Value Members

  1. def crossProduct[T](xs: Seq[Iterable[T]]): Iterable[Seq[T]]
  2. def symmetricClosure[T](xs: Set[(T, T)]): Set[(T, T)]
  3. def unorderedPairsOf[T](elements: Iterable[T]): Iterable[(T, T)]
  4. object Doc
  5. object EitherHelpers
  6. object LogHandler
  7. object Logger extends LogHandler with Serializable
  8. object Maybe extends Maybe1
  9. object NameGenerator
  10. object Statistic extends Serializable

    Companion object to Statistic.

    Companion object to Statistic. Provides a csv header and convenience methods for statistic options and empty data lists.

  11. object StreamUtils
  12. object Tree extends Serializable
  13. object UNone
  14. object USome
  15. object generatedUpperSetInPO
  16. object help

    Opens the scala documentation in a browser window.

  17. object linearizeStrictPartialOrder
  18. object quiet extends VerbosityChanger
  19. object runProcess
  20. object shortestPath
  21. object time
  22. object transitiveClosure
  23. object verbose extends VerbosityChanger
  24. object withTempFile
  25. object withTimeout

    runs f with timeout to

    runs f with timeout to

    If f does terminate within to milliseconds returns its result. If not throw a TimeOutException. If f throws an exception it is propagated to the caller of withTimeout.

    1. try { withTimeout( 1234 ) {
        /* ... your code ... */
      } } catch {
        case e: TimeOutException /* ... */
        /* other exceptions */
  26. object zipped

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
