



package proofs

Linear Supertypes
Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. proofs
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package ceres
  2. package ceres_omega
  3. package context
  4. package epsilon
  5. package expansion
  6. package gaptic
  7. package hoare
  8. package lk
  9. package lkt
  10. package nd
  11. package reduction
  12. package resolution
  13. package rup
  14. package sketch

Type Members

  1. case class Ant(k: Int) extends SequentIndex with Product with Serializable
  2. trait Checkable[-T] extends AnyRef
  3. type Clause[+A] = Sequent[A]
  4. trait ContextRule[Formula, This <: SequentProof[Formula, This]] extends SequentProof[Formula, This]
  5. class ContextSection extends AnyRef
  6. trait DagProof[Proof <: DagProof[Proof]] extends Product

    DAG-like proof.

    DAG-like proof.

    Proofs are recursive structures that are represented as case classes. Equality is standard case class equality (but implemented in such a way that it is efficient on DAGs).


    The type of proof, e.g.

  7. type FOLClause = Sequent[FOLAtom]
  8. type FOLSequent = Sequent[FOLFormula]
  9. type HOLClause = Sequent[Atom]
  10. type HOLSequent = Sequent[Formula]
  11. sealed trait IndexOrFormula extends AnyRef
  12. type Label = String
  13. type LabelledFormula = (Label, Formula)
  14. type LabelledSequent = Sequent[LabelledFormula]
  15. case class NDSequent[+A](assumptions: Seq[A], conclusion: A) extends Product with Serializable

    Sequents for natural deduction.

    Sequents for natural deduction.

    They have the form A1,...,Am :- B (there is always exactly one element in the succedent).


    The type of elements in the sequent.


    The elements A1,...,Am.


    The element B.

  16. class ProofBuilder[+Proof] extends AnyRef

    Class for convenient construction of proofs.

    Class for convenient construction of proofs. Allows you to write proofs post-order style (à la Bussproofs). Example:

    c LogicalAxiom(A)
    c LogicalAxiom(B)
    u (WeakeningLeftRule(_, C))
    b (AndRightRule(_,_, And(A, B))
    The constructor is private, so the only way to instantiate this class is by using the ProofBuilder object. This means that the stack will always be empty in the beginning.

  17. implicit final class RichClause[+A] extends AnyVal
  18. implicit final class RichFOLSequent extends AnyVal
  19. implicit final class RichFormulaSequent extends AnyVal
  20. implicit final class SeqWrapper[+A] extends AnyVal
  21. case class Sequent[+A](antecedent: Vector[A], succedent: Vector[A]) extends Product with Serializable

    A sequent is a pair of sequences of elements of type A, typically written as a1,…,am :- b1,…,bn.

    A sequent is a pair of sequences of elements of type A, typically written as a1,…,am :- b1,…,bn.


    The type of the elements of the sequent.


    The first list.


    The second list.

  22. case class SequentConnector(lowerSizes: (Int, Int), upperSizes: (Int, Int), parentsSequent: Sequent[Seq[SequentIndex]]) extends Product with Serializable

    This class models the connection of formula occurrences between two sequents in a proof.

    This class models the connection of formula occurrences between two sequents in a proof.

    The most basic use case is that of connecting the conclusion of an LK inference with one of the premises. This is the origin of the names "lowerSizes" and "upperSizes".


    The dimensions of the first ("lower") of the two connected sequents.


    The dimensions of the second ("upper") of the two connected sequents.


    A sequent of lists of indices such that for each index i of lowerSequent, parentsSequent(i) is the list of indices of the parents of i in upperSequent.

  23. implicit final class SequentFlatMapOp[A] extends AnyVal
  24. implicit final class SequentFlattenOp[A] extends AnyVal
  25. sealed abstract class SequentIndex extends Ordered[SequentIndex]

    Represents an index of an element in a sequent.

    Represents an index of an element in a sequent.

    In a sequent, the elements have the following indices: Ant(0), Ant(1), ..., Ant(m) :- Suc(0), Suc(1), ..., Suc(n)

  26. trait SequentProof[+Formula, This <: SequentProof[Formula, This]] extends DagProof[This]
  27. case class SetSequent[+A](sequent: Sequent[A]) extends Product with Serializable

    Used for clause set extraction

    Used for clause set extraction


    A sequent.

  28. case class Suc(k: Int) extends SequentIndex with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. val Clause: Sequent.type
  2. val FOLClause: Sequent.type
  3. val HOLClause: Sequent.type
  4. val HOLSequent: Sequent.type
  5. implicit def labelledSequentToSequent(sequent: LabelledSequent): Sequent[Formula]

    Converts a labelled sequent to a sequent.

    Converts a labelled sequent to a sequent.


    The sequent to be converted.


    The sequent obtained from the given sequent by dropping the labels.

  6. object Checkable
  7. object DagProof
  8. object IndexOrFormula
  9. object NDSequent extends Serializable
  10. object ProofBuilder extends ProofBuilder[Nothing]
  11. object Sequent extends Serializable
  12. object SequentConnector extends Serializable
  13. object SequentIndex
  14. object guessPermutation
  15. object loadExpansionProof
  16. object withSection

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
