



package prooftool

Linear Supertypes
ProoftoolInstances2, ProoftoolInstances1, AnyRef, Any
Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. prooftool
  2. ProoftoolInstances2
  3. ProoftoolInstances1
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. abstract class AboveLinePanel[F, T <: SequentProof[F, T]] extends BoxPanel

    Abstract class for things that can be placed above a proof line (subproofs, labels).

  2. class CedentPanel extends BoxPanel

    Class for displaying a list of expansion trees and a title.

  3. class CollapsedSubproofsPanel[F, T <: SequentProof[F, T]] extends AboveLinePanel[F, T]

    Class that puts "(...)" above the proof line for a collapsed proof.

  4. class CommaLabel extends Label

    Label for displaying commas.

  5. trait ContainsLKProof extends ContainsSequentProof

    A trait for ProofToolViewer objects that contain (old or new) LK proofs.

  6. trait ContainsSequentProof extends AnyRef
  7. abstract class DagProofViewer[T <: DagProof[T]] extends ScrollableProofToolViewer[DagProof[T]]

    A ProofToolViewer for dag proofs.

    A ProofToolViewer for dag proofs.


    The type of dag proof.

  8. class DrawETNonQuantifier extends DrawExpansionTree

    Draws an expansion tree not beginning with a quantifier block.

  9. class DrawETQuantifierBlock extends DrawExpansionTree

    Draws an expansion tree beginning with a quantifier block.

  10. class DrawExpansionSequent extends SplitPane

    This class takes care of drawing an ExpansionSequent.

  11. abstract class DrawExpansionTree extends BoxPanel

    Draws an expansion tree.

    Draws an expansion tree. Abstract because most of the work is done by subclasses for quantifier and non-quantifier nodes.

  12. class DrawList extends GridPanel
  13. class DrawSequent[F, M <: ProofToolViewer[_]] extends BoxPanel

    Draws a sequent.

    Draws a sequent.


    The type of elements of the sequent.

  14. class DrawSequentInProof[F, T <: SequentProof[F, T]] extends DrawSequent[F, SequentProofViewer[F, T]]

    Draws a sequent that is part of a sequent proof.

    Draws a sequent that is part of a sequent proof.

    Unlike the general DrawSequent class, this contains logic relating to main/aux formulas and cut ancestors.


    The type of elements of the sequent.

  15. class DrawSequentProof[F, T <: SequentProof[F, T]] extends BoxPanel with MouseMotionListener

    A panel containing a sequent proof.

  16. class DrawSingleSequentInference[F, T <: SequentProof[F, T]] extends ScrollPane
  17. class DrawStruct extends BorderPanel with MouseMotionListener
  18. class ExpansionSequentViewer extends ProofToolViewer[ExpansionSequent] with Savable[ExpansionSequent]

    ProofToolViewer for expansion sequents.

  19. class FileParser extends AnyRef
  20. case class HideEndSequent(pos: List[Int]) extends Event with Product with Serializable
  21. case class HideProof(pos: List[Int]) extends Event with Product with Serializable
  22. case class HideSequentProof(pos: List[Int]) extends Event with Product with Serializable
  23. class LKProofViewer extends SequentProofViewer[Formula, LKProof] with Savable[LKProof] with ContainsLKProof

    A ProofToolViewer for LK proofs.

  24. class LatexFormulaLabel extends LatexLabel

    LatexLabel for displaying formulas.

    LatexLabel for displaying formulas.

    The difference from plain LatexLabel is that it reacts to the mouse.

  25. class LatexLabel extends Label

    A label displaying an icon that is rendered using Latex.

  26. class LatexTurnstileLabel extends LatexLabel

    Latexlabel for displaying the turnstile symbol (u+22a2, ⊢)

  27. class ListViewer extends ScrollableProofToolViewer[List[HOLSequent]] with Savable[List[HOLSequent]]
  28. case class MarkOccurrences(p: List[Int], is: Set[SequentIndex]) extends Event with Product with Serializable
  29. class NDProofViewer extends SequentProofViewer[Formula, NDProof] with Savable[NDProof]
  30. case class NodeSelectedEvent(node: TreeNode) extends Event with Product with Serializable
  31. class PTContentPanel extends BorderPanel with MouseMotionListener

    The panel containing the actual content of a ProofTool window.

  32. class PTScrollPane extends ScrollPane

    The main scrollpane used in ProofTool

  33. class PopupMenu extends Component with Wrapper
  34. class ProofColorizer extends Colorizer
  35. class ProofLinePanel[F, T <: SequentProof[F, T]] extends BoxPanel

    Panel that contains an inference line and the name of the inference.

  36. case class ProofNode[T <: DagProof[T]](proof: DagProof[T]) extends TreeNode with Product with Serializable

    Wrapper from gapt proofs to TreeViz trees

  37. class ProofNodeInfo[T <: DagProof[T]] extends NodeInfo
  38. class ProofToolPublisher extends Publisher
  39. abstract class ProofToolViewer[+T] extends Reactor

    The main window of the ProofTool application.

    The main window of the ProofTool application.


    The type of content.

  40. class ProofWeighter[T <: DagProof[T]] extends Weighter
  41. class ProoflinkLabelPanel[F, T <: SequentProof[F, T]] extends AboveLinePanel[F, T]

    Class that puts the name of a proof link above the proof line.

  42. trait ProoftoolViewable[-T] extends AnyRef

    A typeclass for things that can be displayed in Prooftool.

    A typeclass for things that can be displayed in Prooftool.


    The type of the displayed object.

  43. class ReactiveSunburstModel extends SunburstModel
  44. trait ReactiveSunburstView extends SunburstView with Publisher

    This is a wrapper around the Sunburst Tree from the treeviz library.

    This is a wrapper around the Sunburst Tree from the treeviz library. It provides a listener for the selection of a node in tree.

  45. trait Savable[T] extends ProofToolViewer[T]

    A trait for ProofToolViewer objects that can save their contents.

    A trait for ProofToolViewer objects that can save their contents.


    The type of the content object.

  46. abstract class ScrollableProofToolViewer[+T] extends ProofToolViewer[T]

    A Prooftool window where the main component is contained in a ScrollPane.

    A Prooftool window where the main component is contained in a ScrollPane.


    The type of content.

  47. class SequentProofViewer[F, T <: SequentProof[F, T]] extends DagProofViewer[T] with ContainsSequentProof

    A ProofToolViewer for sequent proofs.

    A ProofToolViewer for sequent proofs.


    The type of sequent proof.

  48. case class ShowAllRules(pos: List[Int]) extends Event with Product with Serializable
  49. case class ShowProof(pos: List[Int]) extends Event with Product with Serializable
  50. case class ShowSequentProof(pos: List[Int]) extends Event with Product with Serializable
  51. class Spinner[T] extends Component
  52. class StructViewer extends ScrollableProofToolViewer[Struct]
  53. class SubproofsPanel[F, T <: SequentProof[F, T]] extends AboveLinePanel[F, T]

    A panel containing the subproofs of a proof arranged side by side.

  54. class SunburstTreeDialog[F, T <: SequentProof[F, T]] extends Frame
  55. class TreeListPanel extends BoxPanel

    Class that displays a list of expansion trees.

Value Members

  1. implicit def EitherViewable[T, S](implicit arg0: ProoftoolViewable[T]): ProoftoolViewable[Either[S, T]]
    Definition Classes
  2. implicit val ExpansionProofViewable: ProoftoolViewable[ExpansionProof]
    Definition Classes
  3. implicit val LKProofViewable: ProoftoolViewable[LKProof]
    Definition Classes
  4. implicit val ListViewable: ProoftoolViewable[Iterable[HOLSequent]]
    Definition Classes
  5. implicit val NDProofViewable: ProoftoolViewable[NDProof]
    Definition Classes
  6. implicit def OptionViewable[T](implicit arg0: ProoftoolViewable[T]): ProoftoolViewable[Option[T]]
    Definition Classes
  7. implicit val ProofDatabaseViewable: ProoftoolViewable[ExtendedProofDatabase]
    Definition Classes
  8. implicit def SequentProofViewable[F, T <: SequentProof[F, T]]: ProoftoolViewable[SequentProof[F, T]]
    Definition Classes
  9. implicit val SequentViewable: ProoftoolViewable[HOLSequent]
    Definition Classes
  10. implicit def StructViewable: ProoftoolViewable[Struct]
    Definition Classes
  11. case object AlignmentChanged extends Event with Product with Serializable
  12. object DrawExpansionTree

    Factory object.

  13. object DrawSequent
  14. object ETQuantifierBlock
  15. object ETStrongQuantifierBlock
  16. object ExpansionTreeState extends Enumeration
  17. case object FontChanged extends Event with Product with Serializable
  18. case object HideDebugBorders extends Event with Product with Serializable
  19. case object HideLeaf extends Event with Product with Serializable
  20. case object HideSequentContexts extends Event with Product with Serializable
  21. case object HideStructuralRules extends Event with Product with Serializable
  22. case object HideTree extends Event with Product with Serializable
  23. object LatexIcon

    Creates Latex icons from strings.

  24. object LatexLabel
  25. case object MarkCutAncestors extends Event with Product with Serializable
  26. object MenuButtons

    An object that contains some common menu buttons.

  27. object PopupMenu
  28. object ProoftoolViewable
  29. object RGBColorChooser extends Dialog
  30. object Rainbow
  31. case object ShowAllFormulas extends Event with Product with Serializable
  32. case object ShowDebugBorders extends Event with Product with Serializable
  33. case object ShowLeaf extends Event with Product with Serializable
  34. case object UnmarkAllFormulas extends Event with Product with Serializable
  35. case object UnmarkCutAncestors extends Event with Product with Serializable
  36. object prooftool

Inherited from ProoftoolInstances2

Inherited from ProoftoolInstances1

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
