
I am very fortunate to work with these amazing people:

Student Projects

We offer student projects, Bachelor and Master thesis dealing with logics different from classical logic (so called non-classical logics). The projects and the thesis, related to the research projects:

FWF LoDEx Logical methods for Deontic Explanations
(the project aims to develop logical methods to be applied to Legal Reasoning and Bioethics) 2024-2026,
WWTF TAIGER Training and Guiding AI Agents with Ethical Rules
(the project combines Logic, Answer Set Programming and Reinforcement Learning) 2023-2026,
WWTF Reasoning Tools for Deontic Logic and Applications to Indian Sacred Texts
(the project combined Logic and Sanskrit Philosophy) 2017-2022, and
FWF START Non classical proofs: Theory, Applications and Tools
(the project dealt with proof theory, semantics and automated deduction) 2011-2019,
can be theoretical, implementative or a combination of the two. Project topics include, but are not limited to: