Recent activites
Co-chair of the Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms
- Member of the council of the Association of Symbolic Logic.
Collecting editor of the International Journals
PC Member of
- DEON 2025 (co-chair) Vienna
- LICS 2025 Singapore
- ICAIL 2025
- AiML 2024 (co-chair) Prague, The Czech Republic
- KR 2024 : The International Conference
on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Hanoi, Vietnam
- IJCAR 2024
- NMR 2024: 22nd International Workshop on
Non-monotonic Reasoning (NMR 2024)
- LPAR 2024
- TACL 2024
(Barcelona, Spain)
- LATD 2023 (co-chair),
LPAR 2023,
LORI-9 ,
International Workshop "Women in Logic" WiL 2023 ,
CSL 2023
WOLLIC 2022 (co-chair),
IJCAR 2022,
TbiLLC 2022: Fourteenth International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation,
AiML 2022: Advances in Modal Logic,
Computer Science Logic CSL 2022,
Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic (TACL) 2022 ,
NCMPL 2021: Non-Classical Modal and Predicate Logics 2021 ,
LORI-VIII 2021 ,
Woman in Logic Workshop,
CADE 2021 ,
IJCAR 2020,
CLAR 2020 ,
AIML 2020,
LATD 2020,
Logic Colloquium 2019,
Tableaux 2019,
FoSSaCS 2019 ,
TACL 2019,
CSL 2018,
IJCAR 2018,
LATD 2018,
ESCIM 2018,
Colloquium Logicum 2018 (CL 2018),
Congress of the
Austrian Mathematical Society (co-chair of the section Algebra, Logic and Set Theory) Salzburg 2017,
Computer Science Logic ( CSL 2017 ),
Workshop on Logic Language Information and Computation ( WoLLIC 2017 ),
Manyval 2017;
Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods ( Tableaux 2017),
Topology, Algebra, and Categories
in Logic ( TACL 2017),
7th Indian Conference on
Logic and its Applications ICLA 2017 (Kanpur, India),
ALCOP 2016 (Vienna, chair),
IJCAR 2016 (Coimbra, Portugal)
LATD 2016 (South Africa)
SYSMICS Syntax Meets Semantics 2016 (Barcelona, Spain)
ESCIM 2016
(8th European Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Mathematics),
Manyval 2015 (Les Diablerets, Switzerland),
LICS 2015 (Kyoto);
ESCIM 2015
7th European Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Mathematics. Cadiz,
FOCI 2015 IEEE Symposium
on Foundations of Computational Intelligence (Cape Town)
Tableaux 2015, Wroclaw University, Poland;
LSFA 2015 (International Workshop
on Logical and Semantic Frameworks, with Applications), Natal, Brasil;
TbiLLC: Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language, and Computation 2015 (Georgia);
IJCAR 2014 (Vienna);
LATD 2014 (Vienna, Co-Chair);
Israeli Workshop on Non-Classical Logics and Their Applications (Haifa); and
FOCI 2014 IEEE Symposium
on Foundations of
Computational Intelligence (Orlando, US).....
Steering Commitee
Executive board member
Member of
- the WPI Wolfgang Pauli Institute Vienna.
Research Projects (a selection)
As Principal Investigator
WWTF ( Digital Humanism
call ICT 2023)
Acquiring and explaining norms for AI systems (with Cristinel Mateis and John Horty)
Logical methods for Deontic Explanations (LoDEx).
FWF Weave schema with Luxemburg and
Germany (with Leon van der Torre and
Christian Strasser ). Start: January 2024.
TAIGER: Training and Guiding AI Agents with Ethical Rules
WWTF, call
ICT 2022
(with Ezio Bartocci and Thomas Eiter). May 2023-2027. (Amount: 799.57 euro)
- Reasoning Tools for Deontic Logic and Applications to Indian Sacred Texts
WWTF, "Mathematics and ... Call 2016 " (with Elisa Freschi -- Austrian Academy of Science). May 2017- May 2021 (Amount: 628.000 euro)
TICAMORE: Translating and dIscovering CAlculi for MOdal and RElated logics
Transnational Funding FWF-ANR, (with N. Olivetti and D. Galmiche -- France), February 2017-February 2022 (Total Amount: 630.000 euro)
- Non classical proofs: Theory, Applications and Tools, funded by FWF (Austrian Science Fund),
START prize,
December 2011-November 2019, (Amount: 960.000 euro).
- Fuzzy Logic: from Mathematics to Medical Applications, funded by WWTF, ``Mathematics and ... Call 2007'' (with P. Adlassnig, Vienna Medical University), 2008-2012, (Amount: 444.000 euro).
- Semantic Characterization of Cut-Elimination,
funded by FWF (Austrian Science Fund), 2006-2009, (Amount: 237.000 euro).
- The Realm of Cut Elimination, bilateral project OEAD Austria-France,
headed by A. Ciabattoni (for the Austrian side) and D. Miller (for the French side), 2007-2008.
- Generating Analytic Calculi for Non Classical Logics, funded by FWF (Austrian Science Fund), Charlotte-Buehler-Habilitation Scholarship, 2003-2005.
- Proof theory of first-order fuzzy logics, EC Marie Curie Individual Fellowship, 2000-2002.
As co-Investigator
Cluster of Excellence Bilateral AI . Headed by Sepp Hochreiter (JKU Linz).
MSCA COFUND Doctoral Programme LogiCS@TUWien.
20 PhD positions. Convenors:
E. Bartocci (Vice-Chair for Programme Admission), P. Cerny, A. Ciabattoni (Vice-Chair for Ethics), T. Eiter, R. Ganian (Vice-Chair for Programme Admission),
G. Gottlob, L. Kovács,
M. Maffei, M. Ortiz (Vice-Chair for Publicity and Outreach), S. Szeider (Chair), G. Weissenbacher, S. Woltran, F. Zuleger (Vice-Chair for Research and Training).
2022-2027 (Approx. 5.3M divided among 13 co-investigators).
EC-RISE Project MOSAIC (Modalities in Substructural Logics: Theory, Methods and
Applications). (29 Partners), Coordinator for the TU Wien site, 2021-2024
Volkswagen Stiftung. Artificial Intelligence and the Society of the Future Call 2018. Planning grant.
Norm-based reasoning: from legal and moral traditions to AI systems. Interdisciplinar Project together with
Matthias Armgardt PI (Konstanz),
Adrian Paschke (Berlin) and
Giovanni Sartor (Bologna). April 2019-December 2020
- FWF Doctoral College
Logical Methods in Computer Science , 16 PhD positions.
Convenors: E. Bartocci, A. Biere, R. Bloem, A. Ciabattoni, U. Egly, T. Eiter, C.G. Fermueller, R. Grosu, L. Kovacs, M. Maffei,
M. Ortiz, R. Pichler, U. Schmidt, S. Szeider, G. Weissenbacher, S. Woltran. 2018-2022.
- COST action OC-2017-1-22305
DIGital FORensics: evidence Analysis via intelligent Systems and Practices 2018-2023.
- EC-RISE (3 Years), Marie Curie Action: Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE)
Syntax meet Semantics: Methods, Interactions, and Connections in
Substructural logics (23 Partners, 13 Countries), Coordinator for the TU Wien site, 2016-2019.
- EC-IRSES (4 Years), Marie Curie Action: International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES), FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IRSES,
GetFUN Generalizing Truth-Functionality (16 Partners, 8 Countries), Coordinator for the TU Wien site, 2013-2017.
- A novel decision support system for training and diagnosis in dermatology . Funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency
FFG . Join project with the
Medical University of Vienna (Dr. Riedl) and
Emergentec biodevelopment, 2013-2015.
- Doctoral Programme Mathematical Logic in CS, 10 PhD positions.
Convenors: M. Baaz, A. Ciabattoni, T. Eiter, M. Goldstern, A. Leitsch, R. Pichler, K. Svozil, S. Szeider, H. Veith, S. Woltran, 2010-2013.
- The Challenge of Semantics ,
ESF exploratory workshop,
convenors A. Ciabattoni and M. Baaz, July 2004.
As Scientist in charge
Scientist in charge for the Marie Curie Individual fellowship of
Matteo Tesi
REMODEL - stRucturEs for MOdal and DEontic Logics.
FWF Lisa Meitner project for
Xavier Parent 2021-2023
- (OeAD) Ernst Mach Grant for the visiting Ph.D. student Tiziano Dalmonte. Oestereichische
Akademische Austauschdienst (OeAD). September 2020-May 2021.
- Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (IEF)
Thomas Powell , 2020 (Fellowship declined to take a tenure position at the University of Bath)
- (OeAD) Ernst Mach Grant for the visiting Ph.D. student Francesca Gulisano
Solving deontic conflicts: the logic of Mimamsa.
Akademische Austauschdienst (OeAD). 2019-2020.
- Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (IEF)
Proof Theoretic Analysis of Modal Logics
for Bjoern Lellmann (May 2015-April 2017)
Lisa Meitner
Nested Sequents for Interpolation and Realization
for Roman Kuznets (February 2015-January 2017)
PhD Students
- Blaz Istenic Urh (from April 2024)
- Dominik Pichler (from January 2023)
- Dmitry Rozplokhas (from September 2022)
- Josephine Dik (from September 2022)
- Emery Neufeld. Norm Compliance for
Reinforcement Learning Agents , defended May 2023 (co-supervision with Ezio Bartocci)
- Kees (Cornelis) van Berkel.
Thesis: A Logical Analysis of Normative
Reasoning: Agency, Action, and
defended March 2023
- Francesca Gulisano (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa). Thesis: Normative reasoning in Mimamsa: a deontic logic
approach , defended January 2021
- Tim Lyon Thesis:
Refining Labelled Systems for Modal and Constructive Logics with
Applications , defended July 2021
- Francesco Genco .
Thesis: Intermediate logics and concurrent lambda-calculi: a proof theoretic approach , defended May 2019
- Paolo Baldi.
Thesis: Standard completeness: proof-theoretic and algebraic methods ,
defended August 2015
- Lara Spendier. Thesis:
Tools for the Investigation of Non-classical Logics , defended June 2015
(TU Women's award 2022)