MUltseq v2.0-1-gcd9dad0

1 Installation & Configuration

MUltseq consists of the following files:

  • multseq/ Directory: The Prolog code for MUltseq

    • kernel of MUltseq: proof construction and transformations
    • OS- and Prolog-specific settings
    • converting consequences between formulas and sequents, equalities, and quasi-equations to (lists of) sequents.
    • routines for reading logic specification
    • processing of options
    • output routines (TeX)
    • auxiliary predicates
    • main file; loads all other parts of MUltseq listed above
  • examples/ Directory:

    • Logic definition files
      • classical.msq Classical logic
      • fde.msq First-Order Entailment Logic (4-valued)
      • goedel.msq 3-valued Gödel logic
      • lukasiewicz.msq 3-valued Łukasiewicz logic
      • shramko-wansing.msq Shramko & Wansings SIXTEEN (16-element bilattice logic)
    • Property files (to use with chkProp)
      • List of popular properties
    • Example experiment batch files
      • Checks that MUltseq can prove many tautologies, consequences, equivalences, etc. that all hold in classical logic.
      • Checks which classical tautologies, consuequences, etc. hold in 3-valued Łukasiewicz logic (with weak and .
      • Checks all properties involving and/or and compares the strong and weak Łukasiewicz operators.
      • Tests some properties in SIXTEEN, finds which versions of ¬A ∨ B (interpreted as implication) satisfy modus ponens and deduction theorem) and compares combinations of ¬, , in their truth- and falsity-order versions
    • Auxiliary files for producing LaTeX output
      • mspost.tex postamble of TeX documents created by MUltseq
      • mspre.tex preamble of TeX documents created by MUltseq
      • proof.sty style file for typesetting derivations (by Makoto Tatsuta)
  • doc/ Directory:

    • this file; the MUltseq manual

Check file and edit it to fit your operating system (DOS/Windows, Unix, or Mac).

2 How to use MUltseq

2.1 For the impatient

Download and unzip the code or clone MUltseq using Git:

git clone

Put yourself in the directory containing the examples

cd multseq/examples

Load Prolog


Pick an example experiment file and run it by entering, e.g.,


at the ?- prompt.

This should generate a file ex_lukasiewicz1.tex which you can run through pdflatex.

3 Interface

3.1 Main predicates

  • provable(Sequent, Proof).

    Proof is a derivation of Sequent from axioms only; fails if Sequent has no proof.

  • derivable(Sequent, Proof).

    Same as provable/2 but generates a derivation from hypotheses if no correct proof exists.

  • collect_hyps(Proof, ListOfHypotheses).

    ListOfHypotheses is the minimized list of hypotheses used in Proof.

  • proof_skeleton(Proof, Skeleton, SequentTable).

    Skeleton is the skeleton of Proof: all sequents are replaced by unique numbers. The correspondence between numbers and sequents is given by SequentTable which is a list of Number : Sequent pairs.

4 Logic definition files

Logic definition files tyically use the .msq extension. They provide the information MUltseq needs to convert test queries to sequents (i.e., what the truth values and designated truth values are), the sequent rules, and definition of how to output operators and formulas using LaTeX.

MUltlog can produce .msq files from MUltlog’s .lgc and cfg files, computing optimized sequent rules. (Use the lgc2msq/3 predicate in

To load a logic definition file, say load_logic(File), e.g.,

:- load_logic('lukasiewicz.msq').
  • List of truth values


    where TVs is a list of atoms, and DTVs is a sublist of TVs (the truth values that are designated). This is used to compute sequents for consequence relations.

  • Operator declarations:

    operator(Name, Arity, TeXName).

    where Name is the name of the oerator, Arity is the number of arguments, and TeXName is a string that provides the LaTeX code for printing the operator symbol. op(Precedence, Type, Name). This is optional and used to define the operator in Prolog: the parameters of are the same as those of the built-in op/3 predicate. If it is ommitted, formulas have to be written in the standard Prolog prefix notation.

  • Sequent rules:

    rule(Conclusion, Premises, Name).

    One rule declaration is needed for each sequent rule. Conclusion is a single signed formula (e.g., and(X,Y)^t) and Premises is a list of lists of signed formulas assumed to be the variables occuring in Conclusion (e.g., [[X^t], [Y^t]]).

  • LaTeX formatting

    tex_tv(TV, String).

    The truth value TV is typeset using String (in math mode). If no such directive exists for a truth value, TV is converted to a string using name/2. This may lead to an error if TV is no valid argument for name/2.

    tex_rn(RN, String).

    The rule name RN is typeset using String (in math mode).

    tex_op(Expr, List).

    Expr is a term built from a connective and Prolog variables as arguments. These variables can be reused in List to typeset a connective in prefix/infix/postfix notation. To obtain a backslash, use “bslash”. Example:

    tex_op(and(A, B), ["(", A, "\\land", " ", B, ")"]).

    If there is no “tex_op” directive for a connective, the expression will be typeset in functor notation, using a tex_op directive for the connective if available.

5 Properties of a logic

A property of a logic is a fact of the form

property(Name, OPList, PropSpec).

where Name is an atom (a label for the property), OpList is a list of Operator/Arity pairs, and PropSpec is a specification of the property. The OpList must contain all operators used in PropSpec with the corresponding number of places.

PropSpec can be one of the following:

  • Tautology:

  • Consequence (implication):

    consequence([Prems] => Concl)
  • Equivalence (bi-implication)

    equivalence(Fmla1, Fmla2)
  • Algebraic equality (identity of truth values)

    equality(Fmla1, Fmla2)
  • Metaconsequence

    metaconseq([Hyps], Concl)

In all but the last, Fmla, Fmla1, Fmla2, and Concl are single formulas and Prems is a list of formulas. In metaconseq, Concl is a consequence judgement [Prems] => Fmla and Hyps a list of such.


property(contrapos, [(>)/2, (-)/1], tautology((a > b) > (-b > -a))).
property(constrdilemma, [(\/)/2, (>)/2, (-)/1], consequence([(-a) \/ (-b), a > c, b > d] => ((-c) \/ (-d)))).
property(ldistrleft, [(/\)/2,(\/)/2], equivalence( a /\ (b \/ c), (a /\ b) \/ (a /\ c) )).
property(residuation, [(>)/2, (/\)/2], metaconseq([[p /\ q] => r], [p] => (q > r) )).

It is possible to combine property specifications in a property declaration using Prolog’s and (,), or (;), and not (\+) operators, e.g.,

property(demorgan, [(/\)/2, (\/)/2, (-)/1],
  ( equivalence(-(a /\ b), (-a) \/ (-b)),
    equivalence(-(a \/ b), (-a) /\ (-b)))).

6 Checking properties

If you have loaded a logic and a list of properties, you can check whether the properties hold in the logic using the predicate


This only works directly if the operators used to define properties are the same as the operators in the logic definition file. However, very often you’d like to use properties for different logics, or even for the same logic but for different operators. E.g., a logic might have two negations, and you want to check which (if any) satisfy De Morgan’s laws. For that reason it is possible to provide a list Omap as a second argument to chkProp that specifies which operators of the logic should map to which operators in the property specification. Omap is a list of pairs OpL/OpP where OpL is an operator of the logic and OpL is an operator in the property specification. E.g.,

:- chkProp([and/(/\),or/(\/)], ldistrleft).

You can define a default operator mapping using setOmap(Omap). chkProp/1 uses this; by default it is empty, i.e., no replacement of operators happens.

You can also use the property specifications above directly, e.g.,

:- tautology(a imp (a or b)).

will test if a imp (a or b) is a tautology. This assumes the logic definition contains operators imp and or defined as infix. Functor notation must be used if the operators are not defined as infix (using op/3), e.g.,

:- tautology(imp(a, or(a, b))).

7 Logging

The commands


turn on logging of user input and Prolog query results. If the option tex_output is either terse or verbose, then any LaTeX output is written to the log file as well.

Without arguments, start_logging writes to a file session_TIMESTAMP.tex. You can change the default extension .tex, or the filename and extension by providing additional arguments:

start_logging(Filename, Extension).

where Extension is the extension to use with period, e.g., '.tex' or '.log'. E.g., to write to file lukasiewicz.tex, say


8 LaTeX Output

The option tex_output controls whether MUltseq queries merely run checks on properties (and fail or succeed accordingly), or if MUltseq also provides output suitable for printing using LaTeX. By default, tex_output is off, so no output is generated. If it is set to terse, MUltseq will generate output that records the queries and results in human readable format, e.g.,

Proposition. The formula A → (AB) is a tautology.

If it is set to verbose, MUltseq will also output the sequent corresponding to the query as well as its proof (or, if the query fails, the derivation from non-axiom hypotheses and the corresponding list of counterexamples).

LaTeX output is written to the log file if logging is on (i.e., start_logging has been called) and to the standard error stream if not.

9 Options

  • reset_options.

    Resets all options to their defaults.

  • set_option(Option).

    Sets option Option. See below for the list of options.

  • list_options.

    Lists all active as well as all available options.

Currently the following options are implemented:

  • strategy(S).

    Defines the strategy for selecting an applicable rule. The following strategies S exist:

    • leftright (default).

      The sequent is scanned from left to right, and the first non-variable expression found is decomposed using the first rule (searching top-down) which is applicable to the expression.

    • topdown.

      The rules are scanned top-down, and the first rule applicable to any expression in the sequent is chosen; if the rule applies to several expressions, the first one from the left is taken.

    • ordering(ListOfRuleNames).

      Refinement of the strategy “topdown”. The rules are tried in the order given by ListOfRuleNames. The same effect could be reached (less elegantly) by reordering the rules in the input file and using top_down. A good heuristic might be to order the rules according to their branching degree, small branching degrees first. This will result in narrow proof trees and less duplication. Within the same branching degree one might prefer rules with more formulas per sequent (with the intuition behind that this will lead faster to an axiom); or one might prefer rules with a small number of formulas per sequent (to avoid duplication).

    • interactive

      MUltseq collects all rules applicable to any part of the sequent. If there is only one possibilty to apply a rule, it is applied. Otherwise the rules are listed on standard output and the user is given the choice.

  • tex_rulenames(OnOff) (default: OnOff=off).

    If OnOff=on then each step in a TeX-derivation is labeled by the applied rule. Otherwise, if OnOff=off, no labels are added.

  • tex_sequents(Style) (default: Style=signed).

    Style=signed prints sequents as signed formulas, whereas with Style=multidimensional, sequents are represented as (n)-tuples, where the truth value assigned to a formula is given implicit by the position of the formula within the sequent.

  • tex_proofstyle(Style) (default: Style=verbose)

    Style=verbose means that axioms and hypotheses are marked by the phrases “axiom for (A)” and “hypothesis”. Style=compact results in the phrases “ax(A)” and hyp”. Style=bare suppresses the phrases altogether.

  • tex_output(Level) (default Level=off),

    If Level=off, no LaTeX output is produced by load_logic or the various property checking predicates. If Level=terse, the results of property checks are recorded as propositions in human-readable format. If Level=verbose, MUltseq additionally prints the evidence, i.e., which sequents correspond to the property queries, as well as the derivations and, if applicable, counterexamples.

  • tex_success(OnOff) (default OnOff=on)

  • tex_failure(OnOff) (default OnOff=on),

    If OnOff is on, then LaTeX output is produced whenever a property check succeeds/fails. To print only for successful checks, set tex_failure(off); top print only failed tests, tex_success(off).

10 The prover

10.1 Data structures

  • Sequent: list of signed formulas
  • Signed formula: F^S where F is a many-valued formula (any term) and S is a truth value.
  • Proof tree: ra(Name, Conclusion, Proofs) ra stands for “rule application”. Rule Name is applied to the conclusions of Proofs, giving Conclusion. Conclusion is a sequent and Proofs a list of proof trees. prove(Sequent, Prooftree). Constructs a for .

10.2 Predicates

select_rule(S, Sl, Sr, Ps, R)

Select a formula F from sequent S and choose an applicable rule. Sl are the signed formulas to the left of F, Sr are those to the right of F, Ps are the premises of the chosen rule, and R is its name.

appseqs(Sl, Sr, S0, S)

Sl is added to the left of S0 and Sr to the right, the result being S: S = [Sl, S0, Sr].

split(S, Sl, F, Sr)

Selects an element F from S, and instantiates Sl (Sr) with the elements to the left (right) of F: S = [Sl, [F], Sr]

contains_axiom(Sequent, A)

Checks whether Sequent contains axiom A|...|A. Depends on the fact that truth values and sequents are kept sorted.

collect_hyps(Proof, MinHypotheses)

Gathers all hypotheses occurring in Proof and returns a minimized list of hypotheses in MinHypotheses.