Scientific program |
- Krzysztof Apt: A Tutorial on Strategic and Extensive Games
- Alexandre Miquel: A tutorial on classical realizability and forcing
Karp Prize Lectures
- Matt Foreman: The Singular Cardinals Problem after 130 years or so
on the work of Moti Gitik - Matthias Aschenbrenner: Logic meets number theory in o-minimality
on the work of Ya'acov Peterzil, Jonathan Pila, Sergei Starchenko and Alex Wilkie
Gödel Lecture
- Julia Knight: Computable structure theory and formulas of special forms
Plenary Speakers
- Andrej Bauer: Reductions in computability theory from a constructive point of view
- Paddy Blanchette: The Birth of Semantic Entailment
- Kirsten Eisenträger: Generalizations of Hilbert's Tenth Problem
- Andrés Cordón Franco: On local induction schemes
- Vera Fischer: Cardinal invariants and template iterations
- Noam Greenberg: Applications of admissible computability
- Leszek Kołodziejczyk: The problem of a model without collection and without exponentiation
- Ben Miller: Definable cardinals just beyond ℝ / ℚ
- Mark Reynolds: Synthesis for monadic logic over the reals
- Mariya Soskova: Definability, automorphisms and enumeration degrees
- Albert Visser: On a theorem of McAloon
Vienna Summer of Logic Keynote Speakers
during the Logic Colloquium
- Christos Papadimitriou: Computational Ideas and the Theory of Evolution
- Alex Wilkie: The theory and applications of o-minimal structures
after the Logic Colloquium
- Franz Baader: Ontology-Based Monitoring of Dynamic Systems
- Edmund M. Clarke: Verification of Computer Systems with Model Checking
LATD Special Invited Talk
- Dana Scott: Geometry without points
Special Sessions
Logic of Games and Rational Choice (Organizer: R. Ramanujam)
- Johan van Benthem: The DNA of Logic and Games
- Rohit Parikh: Elections and Knowledge
- Gabriel Sandu: Nash equilibrium semantics for Independence-Friendly Logic
- Jouko Väänänen: Dependence and Independence - A Logical Approach
Model Theory (Organizer: Z. Chatzidakis)
- Panteleimon Eleftheriou: Pregeometries and definable groups
- Meeri Kesälä: Quasiminimal structures and excellence
- Jochen Königsmann: Definable valuation rings
- Daniel Palacín: The Fitting subgroup of a supersimple group
Perspectives on Induction (joint with CSL-LICS, organizers: M. Baaz, S. Hetzl)
- Alan Bundy: Automating inductive proof
- Michael Detlefsen: Inductive Proofs & the Knowledge They Give
- Georg Gottlob: Decidable languages for knowledge representation and inductive definitions: From Datalog to Datalog+/-
- Gerhard Jäger: Weak well orders and related inductions
- Ted Slaman: Subsystems of first-order arithmetic delineated by second-order principles
Philosophy of Mathematics (Organizer: Ø. Linnebo)
- Paddy Blanchette: Frege on mathematical progess
- Leon Horsten: Reflection, Trust, Entitlement
- Luca Incurvati: Restrictiveness relative to notions of interpretations (joint work with B. Loewe)
- Gabriel Uzquiano: On Bernays' Generalization of Cantor's Theorem
Recursion Theory (Organizers: E. Fokina, D. Turetsky)
- Johanna Franklin: UD-randomness and the Turing degrees
- Rupert Hölzl: Randomness in the Weihrauch degrees
- Iskander Kalimullin: Uniform and non-uniform reducibilities of algebraic structures
- Bakhadyr Khoussainov: On finitely presented expansions of groups and algebras
Set Theory (Organizers: J. Kellner, M. Goldstern)
- Daisuke Ikegami: Large cardinals, forcing axioms, and the theory of subsets of ω1
- Philipp Lücke: Locally definable well-orders
- Diego Mejía: Matrix iterations and Cichoń's diagram
- Konstantin Slutsky: Regular cross-sections of Borel flows
The place of logic in computer science education (Organizers: H. Veith, R. Zach)
- Byron Cook
- Alexander Leitsch
- Prakash Panangaden
- Nicole Schweikardt
Presentations followed by a panel discussion.
Contributed Talks
The scientific program includes contributed talks.