FroCoS 2005 Logo

FroCoS 2005 - 5th International Workshop on Frontiers of Combining Systems

Vienna, Austria, September 19-21, 2005

FroCoS 2005 Logo

FroCoS 2005 general info: home | cfp (txt, pdf) | poster (more) | dates | pc | oc | invited talks | submission | accepted papers | talks | program (txt) | call for participation (txt) | sponsors | abstracts | proceedings
FroCoS 2005 local info: notes (on registration, accomodation, travelling) | registration | accomodation | local information (venue, registration, internet, technical facilities) | social events | local information about Vienna (public transport, restaurants, etc.) | participants | photos
FroCoS general info: FroCoS homepage | FroCoS workshop series | Combination Methods in AR

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FroCoS 2005 - Local Information

(venue, registration on site, technical equipment, internet connection)


Festsaal (scientific program) and Böcklsaal (lunches and coffee breaks)
TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology), Hauptgebäude
Karlsplatz 13, 1st floor, A-1040 Vienna (4th district)

Maps: small, bigger, survey.

For locating "Karlsplatz 13" within the city map you may also use the City map and address finder or the Stadtplan mit Adressensuche (in German).

Outside and inside the building (TU-Hauptgebäude) there will be a few sign-boards indicating how to get to FroCoS 2005.

Registration on Site

Technical Equipment

Internet Connection

Internet connection will be possible on site. Detailed instructions about these facilities will be available at the workshop.