Hierarchical list by entry type
- Articles
- [AC2000] Aguzzoli S. et al., "Finiteness of infinite-valued Lukasie..." (2000)
- [AC1997] Asperti A. et al., "A Sufficient Condition for Completabi..." (1997)
- [ACN2000] Aguzzoli S. et al., "Sequent calculi for finite-valued..." (2000)
- [ATZ1996] Ambos-spies K. et al., "Genericity and measure for exponential..." (1996)
- [BCM2004] Baaz M. et al., "Analytic Calculi for Monoidal T-norm..." (2004)
- [BFSZ1998] Baaz M. et al., "Labeled Calculi and Finite-valued Logics" (1998)
- [BHMV] Baaz M. et al., "Complexity of t-Tautologies."
- [BL2004] Baaz M. et al., "Towards a clausal analysis of..." (2004)
- [BP2004] Baaz M. et al., "Herbrand Disjunctions and Extraction of..." (2004)
- [Baa2003] Baaz M., "Note on a Translation of Charactize..." (2003)
- [Baa1986] Baaz M., "Kripke-Type Semantics for Da Costa's..." (1986)
- [Baa1992] Baaz M., "Automatisches Beweisen für..." (1992)
- [Baa1999] Baaz M., "Note on Generalization of Calculations" (1999)
- [BSB1995] Brunner N. et al., "Effective quantum observables" (1995)
- [BSB1996] Brunner N. et al., "The Axiom of Choice in Quantum Theory" (1996)
- [BF1995b] Baaz M. et al., "Resolution-Based Theorem Proving for..." (1995)
- [BFZ1993] Baaz M. et al., "Dual Systems of Sequents and Tableaux..." (1993)
- [BFZ1994] Baaz M. et al., "Elimination of Cuts in First-order..." (1994)
- [BFZ1995] Baaz M. et al., "Proof theory of finite-valued logics..." (1995)
- [BHKS1998] Baaz M. et al., "Embedding Logics into Product Logic" (1998)
- [BL2000] Baaz M. et al., "Cut Elimination and..." (2000)
- [BL1992] Baaz M. et al., "Complexity of Resolution Proofs and..." (1992)
- [BL1994] Baaz M. et al., "On Skolemization and Proof Complexity" (1994)
- [BL1998] Baaz M. et al., "Extensionskalküle und..." (1998)
- [BL1999] Baaz M. et al., "Cut Normal Forms and Proof Complexity" (1999)
- [BLZ1996] Baaz M. et al., "Completeness of a First-order Temporal..." (1996)
- [BV1999b] Baaz M. et al., "Interpolation in Fuzzy Logic" (1999)
- [BZ1992b] Baaz M. et al., "Note on Calculi for a Three-Valued Logic..." (1992)
- [BZ1995] Baaz M. et al., "Generalizing Theorems in Real Closed..." (1995)
- [BZ1995b] Baaz M. et al., "Generalizing theorems in real closed..." (1995)
- [BZ1998b] Baaz M. et al., "Note on Generalizing Theorems in..." (1998)
- [Cia2004] Ciabattoni A., "A Proof-theoretical Investigation of..." (2004)
- [CF2001] Ciabattoni A. et al., "Hypersequent calculi for some..." (2001)
- [CGE2002] Ciabattoni A. et al., "T-norm based logics with..." (2002)
- [CGO1998] Ciabattoni A. et al., "Cut-free Proof Systems for Logics of ..." (1998)
- [CL1997] Ciabattoni A. et al., "Two Connections between Linear Logic and..." (1997)
- [Iem2001c] Iemhoff R., "On the admissible rules of Intuitioni..." (2001)
- [Iem2001b] Iemhoff R., "A(nother) characterization of..." (2001)
- [Iem2002] Iemhoff R., "Review of: Submodels of Kripke..." (2002)
- [Iem2003] Iemhoff R., "Preservativity logic (An analogue of..." (2003)
- [JST] Jain S. et al., "Counting extensional differences in..."
- [AMRT2003] Ambos-spies K. et al., "Almost complete sets" (2003)
- [ST1999] Stephan F. et al., "The complexity of universal text-learners" (1999)
- [KT1999] Kucera A. et al., "Lowness for the class of random sets" (1999)
- [TZ2001] Terwijn S. A. et al., "Computational randomness and lowness" (2001)
- [DT2002] Downey R. et al., "Computably enumerable reals and unifo..." (2002)
- [HK1965] Hlawka E. et al., "Geordnete Schätzfunktionen und..." (1965)
- [Kui1970] Kuich W., "On the entropy of context-free languages" (1970)
- [Kui1970b] Kuich W., "Systems of pushdown acceptors and..." (1970)
- [KM1971] Kuich W. et al., "The structure generating function and..." (1971)
- [Kui1971] Kuich W., "The complexity of skewlinear tuple..." (1971)
- [KS1976] Kuich W. et al., "The structure generating function of ..." (1976)
- [Kui1980] Kuich W., "Generating functions for derivation trees" (1980)
- [Kui1980b] Kuich W., "Quantitative Aspekte bei..." (1980)
- [Kui1981] Kuich W., "The characterization of parallel..." (1981)
- [BK1981] Baron G. et al., "The characterization of nonexpansive..." (1981)
- [Kui1981b] Kuich W., "Zur Theorie algebraischer Systeme" (1981)
- [Kui1987] Kuich W., "Hauptkegel algebraischer Potenzreihen" (1987)
- [Kui1991] Kuich W., "Automata and languages generalized to..." (1991)
- [Kui1995] Kuich W., "Representations and complete semiring..." (1995)
- [HK1996] Honkala J. et al., "On a power series generalization of ETL..." (1996)
- [HK1995] Honkala J. et al., "On four classes of Lindenmayerian power..." (1995)
- [ATZ1997] Ambos-spies K. et al., "Resource bounded randomness and weakly..." (1997)
- [HK1997] Honkala J. et al., "On Lindenmayerian algebraic power series" (1997)
- [Kui1997] Kuich W., "Cones and abstract families of elements" (1997)
- [TT1998] Terwijn S. A. et al., "Arithmetical measure" (1998)
- [Ter] Terwijn S. A., "Complexity and randomness"
- [BBP2003] Beckmann A. et al., "Ordinal Notations and Well-Orderings in..." (2003)
- [Bec2002e] Beckmann A., "Proving consistency of equational..." (2002)
- [Bec2003] Beckmann A., "Dynamic ordinal analysis" (2003)
- [Bec2002d] Beckmann A., "Notations for exponentiation" (2002)
- [Bec2001] Beckmann A., "Exact bounds for lengths of reduction..." (2001)
- [Bec2002] Beckmann A., "A non-well-founded primitive recursive..." (2002)
- Books
- [KS1986] Kuich W. et al., "Semirings, automata, languages" (1986)
- In a collection
- [BCF2003] Baaz M. et al., "Sequent of relations calculi: A frame..." (2003)
- [BEL2001] Baaz M. et al., "Normal Form Transformations" (2001)
- [BEL1998] Baaz M. et al., "Extension Methods in Automated Deduction" (1998)
- [BFS2001] Baaz M. et al., "Automated Deduction for Many-Valued..." (2001)
- [BM2001] Baaz M. et al., "On a generalisation of Herbrand's theorm" (2001)
- [Baa2001] Baaz M., "Logik des Juridischen Schließens" (2001)
- [BZ2002] Baaz M. et al., "Das Vollständigkeitsproblem und..." (2002)
- [Baa1988] Baaz M., "Über den allgemeinen Gehalt von..." (1988)
- [Baa1989b] Baaz M., "Automatisches Beweisen für..." (1989)
- [Baa1993] Baaz M., "Note on the Existence of Most-general..." (1993)
- [BKQ1991] Baaz M. et al., "A Formal Model of Managerial Decision..." (1991)
- [BL1985] Baaz M. et al., "Die Anwendung starker Reduktionsregel..." (1985)
- [BL1995] Baaz M. et al., "Methods of Functional Extensions" (1995)
- [BP1993] Baaz M. et al., "Kreisel's Conjecture for..." (1993)
- [BQ1988b] Baaz M. et al., "Juridische Schlüsse und mehrwertige..." (1988)
- [BQ1992b] Baaz M. et al., "Logic-Based Models of Analogical..." (1992)
- [Kui1995b] Kuich W., "The algebraic equivalent of AFL theory" (1995)
- [Kui1998] Kuich W., "Gaussian elimination and a..." (1998)
- [KPU1979] Kuich W. et al., "On the height of derivation trees" (1979)
- [Kui1987b] Kuich W., "The Kleene and the Parikh theorem in..." (1987)
- [Kui1988] Kuich W., "Polynomalgebren, algebraische Systeme..." (1988)
- [Kui1991b] Kuich W., "Halbringe und ihre Anwendungen in der..." (1991)
- [Kui1994] Kuich W., "On the multiplicity equivalence problem..." (1994)
- [Kui1997c] Kuich W., "Semirings and formal power series: their..." (1997)
- [Kui1997b] Kuich W., "Generalized Lindenmayerian algebraic..." (1997)
- [KK1997] Karner G. et al., "A characterization of abstract families..." (1997)
- In proceedings
- [AC1995] Asperti A. et al., "Effective Applicative Structures" (1995)
- [BC2002] Baaz M. et al., "A Schütte-Tait Style Cut-Elimina..." (2002)
- [BCF2001b] Baaz M. et al., "Cut-Elimination in a..." (2001)
- [BCF2001c] Baaz M. et al., "Herbrand's Theorem for Prenex Gödel..." (2001)
- [BCF2001] Baaz M. et al., "A Natural Deduction System for..." (2001)
- [BCFV1998] Baaz M. et al., "Proof theory of fuzzy logic:Urquhart's C..." (1998)
- [BCFV1999] Baaz M. et al., "On the Undecidability of Some..." (1999)
- [BF2001] Baaz M. et al., "A Note on the Proof-Theoretic Strengt..." (2001)
- [BF2003] Baaz M. et al., "A translation characterizing the..." (2003)
- [BL2001] Baaz M. et al., "Comparing the Complexity of..." (2001)
- [BLM1999] Baaz M. et al., "System Description: CutRes 0.1:..." (1999)
- [BM2002] Baaz M. et al., "On generalizations of semi-terms of..." (2002)
- [BPZ2003] Baaz M. et al., "Characterization of the Axiomatizable..." (2003)
- [Baa2002] Baaz M., "Proof Analysis by Resolution" (2002)
- [Baa2002b] Baaz M., "Proof Analysis by Resolution" (2002)
- [Baa1983] Baaz M., "Gödel's Justification of His..." (1983)
- [Baa1987] Baaz M., "Automatisches Beweisen für..." (1987)
- [Baa1989] Baaz M., "An Effective Decision Algorithm for..." (1989)
- [Baa1993b] Baaz M., "The Scheme of Identity: a Computational..." (1993)
- [Baa1994] Baaz M., "Generalization of Proofs and Term..." (1994)
- [Baa1996] Baaz M., "Infinite-valued Gödel Logics with..." (1996)
- [BBS1993] Baaz M. et al., "Interpretations of Combinatory Algebras" (1993)
- [BCZ2000] Baaz M. et al., "Quantified propositional Gödel..." (2000)
- [BEF1997] Baaz M. et al., "Lean Induction Principles for Tableaux" (1997)
- [BF1992] Baaz M. et al., "Resolution for Many-valued Logics" (1992)
- [BF1993] Baaz M. et al., "A Resolution principle for..." (1993)
- [BF1995] Baaz M. et al., "Non-elementary Speedups between Diffe..." (1995)
- [BF1996b] Baaz M. et al., "Intuitionistic Counterparts of..." (1996)
- [BF1996] Baaz M. et al., "Combining Many-valued and Intuitionistic..." (1996)
- [BF1999] Baaz M. et al., "Analytic Calculi for Projective Logics" (1999)
- [BFL1994] Baaz M. et al., "A Non-elementary Speed-Up in Proof Le..." (1994)
- [BFOZ1993] Baaz M. et al., "MULTLOG: A System for Axiomatizing..." (1993)
- [BFQZ1993] Baaz M. et al., "A Many-Valued Logic for Default Reasoning" (1993)
- [BFS1995] Baaz M. et al., "Systematic Construction of Calculi for..." (1995)
- [BFSZ1996] Baaz M. et al., "MUltlog 1.0: Towards an Expert System..." (1996)
- [BFV2000] Baaz M. et al., "An Analytic Calculus for Quantified..." (2000)
- [BFZ1992] Baaz M. et al., "Dual Systems of Sequents and Tableaux..." (1992)
- [BFZ1993b] Baaz M. et al., "Systematic Construction of Natural..." (1993)
- [BGQV1993] Baaz M. et al., "The Application of Kripke-Type Struct..." (1993)
- [BH1994] Baaz M. et al., "A New Frame for Common-Sense..." (1994)
- [BL1985b] Baaz M. et al., "Eine Methode zur automatischen..." (1985)
- [BL1989] Baaz M. et al., "Strong Splitting Rules in Automated..." (1989)
- [BL1990] Baaz M. et al., "A Strong Problem Reduction Method Based..." (1990)
- [BL1997b] Baaz M. et al., "Fast Cut-Elimination by Projection" (1997)
- [BL1997] Baaz M. et al., "Cut elimination by resolution" (1997)
- [BLZ1996b] Baaz M. et al., "Incompleteness of a First-order..." (1996)
- [BQ1987] Baaz M. et al., "Modelling Priorities in Legal Expert..." (1987)
- [BQ1987b] Baaz M. et al., "The Application of Multiple Valued Logic..." (1987)
- [BQ1988d] Baaz M. et al., "Models of Juridical Decisions Based on..." (1988)
- [BQ1988c] Baaz M. et al., "Models of Civil Procedures Based on..." (1988)
- [BQ1988] Baaz M. et al., "Automated Theorem Proving for the..." (1988)
- [BQ1990] Baaz M. et al., "A Logic Based Model of Legal Decision..." (1990)
- [BQ1991b] Baaz M. et al., "A Formal Model of Analogical Reasonin..." (1991)
- [BQ1991] Baaz M. et al., "A Formal Model for the Support of..." (1991)
- [BQ1992] Baaz M. et al., "Analogical Reasoning in Legal Expert..." (1992)
- [BQ1993] Baaz M. et al., "Analogical Reasoning and Logic Based..." (1993)
- [BS1995] Baaz M. et al., "Semi-Unification and Generalizations ..." (1995)
- [BV1999c] Baaz M. et al., "Quantifier Elimination in Fuzzy Logic" (1999)
- [BV1999] Baaz M. et al., "An axiomatization of quantified..." (1999)
- [BZ2000] Baaz M. et al., "Hypersequent and the Proof Theory of..." (2000)
- [BZ1993] Baaz M. et al., "Algorithmic Structuring of Cut-free..." (1993)
- [BZ1994b] Baaz M. et al., "Short Proofs of Tautologies Using the..." (1994)
- [BZ1994] Baaz M. et al., "Approximatig Propositional Calculi by..." (1994)
- [BZ1998] Baaz M. et al., "Compact Propositional Gödel Logic" (1998)
- [Cia1999] Ciabattoni A., "Bounded Contraction in Systems with..." (1999)
- [CF2000] Ciabattoni A. et al., "Hypertableau and Path-Hypertableau..." (2000)
- [FC2003] Fermüller C. G. et al., "From Intuitionistic Logics to..." (2003)
- [CF2001b] Ciabattoni A. et al., "Hypersequents as a uniform framework for..." (2001)
- [CM2003] Ciabattoni A. et al., "Bounded Lukasiewicz Logics" (2003)
- [Cia2000] Ciabattoni A., "On Urquhart's C logic" (2000)
- [FP2003] Fermüller C. G. et al., "A dialogie game for Intuitionistic Fuzzy..." (2003)
- [HLT2003] Hitchcock J. M. et al., "The arithmetical complexity of dimension..." (2003)
- [Iem2001] Iemhoff R., "A modal analysis of some principles of..." (2001)
- [Iem2003b] Iemhoff R., "Towards a proof system for admissibility" (2003)
- [ST1997] Stephan F. C. et al., "The complexity of universal text-learners" (1997)
- [Ter1999] Terwijn S. A., "Extensional set learning" (1999)
- [AMRT2000] Ambos-spies K. et al., "Almost complete sets" (2000)
- [Ter2001] Terwijn S. A., "On the quantitative structure of..." (2001)
- [AJST2001] Aehlig K. et al., "Linear ramified higher type recursion..." (2001)
- [ATZ1994] Ambos-spies K. et al., "Resource bounded randomness and weakly..." (1994)
- [ANT1996] Ambos-spies K. et al., "Genericity and measure for exponential..." (1996)
- [Pre2002] Preining N., "Gödel logics and Cantor-Bendixon..." (2002)
- [Pre1997] Preining N., "Sketch-as-Proof" (1997)
- [ST2000] Stephan F. et al., "Counting extensional differences in..." (2000)
- [Ter2002] Terwijn S. A., "On the Learnability of Hidden Markov..." (2002)
- [Bec2002f] Beckmann A., "Resolution refutations and propositional..." (2002)
- [Bec2002b] Beckmann A., "A note on universal measures for weak..." (2002)
- Master's thesis
- [Pre1996] Preining N., "Sketch-as-proof, a proof-theoretic..." (1996)
- Miscellaneous documents
- [BCPV2001] Baaz M. et al., "A Guide to Quantified Propositional..." (2001)
- PhD thesis
- [Baa1984] Baaz M., "Die Anwendung der Methode der..." (1984)
- [Baa1984b] Baaz M., "The Application of Sequent Calculi to..." (1984)
- [Baa1992b] Baaz M., "Logical Calculi Applied to Problems in..." (1992)
- [Iem2001d] Iemhoff R., "Provability Logic and Admissible Rules" (2001)
- [Pre2003] Preining N., "Complete Recursive Axiomatizability of..." (2003)
- [Ter1998] Terwijn S. A., "Computability and measure" (1998)
- Technical reports
- [BFGPS2003] Baaz M. et al., "MUltlog and MUltseq Reanimated and..." (2003)
- [Baa1987b] Baaz M., "Quantifier elimination for heterogeneous..." (1987)
- [Baa1990b] Baaz M., "Automated Theorem Proving for Many-va..." (1990)
- [Baa1990] Baaz M., "Automated Theorem Proving for Many-va..." (1990)
- [BFZ1992b] Baaz M. et al., "Systematic Construction of Natural..." (1992)
- [BFZ1993c] Baaz M. et al., "Systematic Construction of Natural..." (1993)
- [BL1984] Baaz M. et al., "Eine Methode zur Reduktion des..." (1984)
- [BL1986] Baaz M. et al., "Strong Inference in Automated Theorem..." (1986)
- [BLZ1995] Baaz M. et al., "Incompleteness of a First-Order..." (1995)
- [BZ1992] Baaz M. et al., "Introducing Atomic Cuts into Cut-free..." (1992)
- [BZ1993b] Baaz M. et al., "First-order Temporal Logic with..." (1993)
- [CKTZ1997] Christensen J. et al., "On the complexity of finitely additive..." (1997)
- [Pre2002b] Preining N., "Proof theory and proof systems for..." (2002)
- [Bec2003b] Beckmann A., "Height restricted constant depth LK" (2003)
- Unpublished
- [BP2004b] Baaz M. et al., "Propositional Quantifier Elimination for..." (2004)
- [BPZ2004] Baaz M. et al., "On the classification of Gödel..." (2004)
- [BB2004] Beckmann A. et al., "Separation results for the size of..." (2004)
- [Bec2002c] Beckmann A., "Dynamic ordinals -- universal measures..." (2002)
- [Bec2001b] Beckmann A., "Preservation theorems and restricted..." (2001)
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