The 17th International Conference on Deontic Logic and Normative Systems
(DEON 2025)
will be held in Vienna!
Chairs: Agata Ciabattoni & John Horty
The project
Acquiring and explaining norms for AI systems (with Cristinel Mateis and John Horty)
has been funded by WWTF under the
Digital Humanism
call ICT 2023.
Running research projects:
Cluster of Excellence Bilateral Artificial Intelligence 2024-2029.
(Call for positions here )
FWF project Logical methods for Deontic Explanations
(LoDEx) (with Leon van der Torre and
Christian Strasser ) (WEAVE schema with Luxemburg and Germany) 2024-2026
WWTF (call
ICT 2022)
project TAIGER : Training and Guiding AI Agents with Ethical Rules
(with Ezio Bartocci and Thomas Eiter). 2023-2026.
Scientist in charge for the Marie Curie Individual fellowship of
Matteo Tesi 2024-2026
EC-RISE Project MOSAIC (Modalities in Substructural Logics: Theory, Methods and
Applications). 2021-2026.
MSCA COFUND Doctoral Programme LogiCS@TUWien.
20 PhD positions. 2022-2027.
Current conference activities:
PC co-chair of DEON 2025 (Vienna), AIML 2024 (Prague)
PC member of LICS 2025, ICAIL 2025, KR 2024, NMR 2024, LPAR 2024, IJCAR 2024, TACL 2024
Opening of the Vienna Summer of Logic
2014 (Eiter, Veith, Ciabattoni, Scott, Papadimitriu, Vardi, Szeider, Gottlob)
Logic -- the most important science on earth
(Cover story of
"Profil ", June 2014)
Austria's news weekly "Profil ", December 2015