The program committee of FTP97 received 44 submissions, of which 25 were accepted.
Serge Autexier and Dieter Hutter:
Equational Proof-Planning by Dynamic Abstraction
Matthias Baaz and Alexander Leitsch:
Cut Elimination by Resolution
Peter Baumgartner and Ulrich Furbach:
Refinements for Restart Model Elimination
Carsten Bierwald and Thomas Käufl:
Tableau Prover Tatzelwurm:
Hyper-Links and UR-Resolution
Maria Paola Bonacina:
On the representation of parallel search in theorem proving
Thierry Boy de la Tour:
Up-to-Isomorphism Enumeration of Finite Models - The Monadic Case
Albert Brandl, Christian G. Fermüller, and Gernot Salzer:
Testing for Renamability to Classes of Clause Sets
Ricardo Caferra and Nicolas Peltier:
Model building in the cross-roads of consequence and non-consequence
Domenico Cantone, Alessandra Cavarra, and Eugenio Omodeo:
On existential quantified conjunctions of atomic formulae of L+
Olga Caprotti:
Symbolic Pattern Solving for Equational Reasoning
Ingo Dahn and Christoph Wernhard:
First Order Proof Problems Extracted from an Article in the MIZAR
Mathematical Library
Marc Fuchs:
Similarity-Based Lemma Generation for Model Elimination
Eric Gascard and Laurence Pierre:
Two Approaches to the Formal Proof of Replicated Hardware Systems using
the Boyer-Moore Theorem Prover
Alfons Geser and Wolfgang Küchlin:
Structured Formal Verification of a Fragment of the IBM 390 Clock Chip
Joseph A. Goguen:
Stretching First Order Equational Logic: Proofs with Partiality,
Subtypes and Retracts
John Harrison:
First Order Logic in Practice
Robert Matzinger:
Using Grammars for Finite Domain Evaluation
Georg Moser:
Some Remarks on Transfinite E-Semantic Trees and Superposition
Pierre Ostier:
A Complete Deduction System for Reasoning with Temporary Assumptions
Uwe Petermann:
Building-In Hybrid Theories
Reinhard Pichler:
Testing the Equivalence of Models given through Linear Atomic
Wolfgang Reif and Gerhard Schellhorn:
Theorem Proving in Large Theories
Jürgen Stuber:
Strong Symmetrization, Semi-Compatibility of Normalized Rewriting and
First-Order Theorem Proving
Uwe Waldmann:
A Superposition Calculus for Divisible Torsion-Free Abelian Groups
Nic Wilson and Jerome Mengin:
Logical Deduction using the Local Computation Framework