First Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language
Tbilisi 2005
First Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language
September 19-23, Tbilisi, Georgia
Organized by the Kurt Gödel Society
IMPORTANT NOTE: All participants NOT from Georgia should contact
Matthias Baaz at baaz@logic.at!
About Georgia
Georgia is a beautiful country in the heart of the Caucasus. For more
information please visit the following web site:
Tourism webswite of the
parliament of Georgia
Related Conferences
Batumi 2005: Sixth International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and
Participants from countries with currency problems - no fee
Participants from other countries Euro 200.- including accomodation for
up to 7 nights
A registration form will soon be online.
Program and Organizing Committee
Matthias BAAZ
Chimurui RUKHAIA (chair)
Contact information
All inquiries should be submitted to the following address:
- Matthias BAAZ, Vienna (Proof Theory)
- Revaz GRIGOLIA, Tbilisi (Algebra)
Title: Algebras with Residuations
Residuated structures appears in many areas of mathematics, the main origin
of which are monoidal operation multiplication ? that respects a partial
order ( and a binary (left-) residuation operation ( characterized by x
? y ( z if and only if x ( y ( z. Such kind of structures are associated
with logical systems. If the partial order is a semilattice order, and
multiplication the semilattice operation, we get Browerian semilattices
which are models of the conjuction-implication fragment of the
intuitionistic propositional calculus. The well-known algebraic models of
the conjucttion-implication fragment of Lukasiewicz many-valued logic are
another example of special class of residuated structures.
The algebras with residuations and corresponding to them logical systems
are considered.
Relevant Material: PDF
- George METCALFE,Vienna (Fuzzy Logics)
Title: Fundamentals of Fuzzy Logics
This course provides an introduction to many-valued logics with truth values
taken from the real numbers, where connectives like "and" and "or" are
interpreted by real-valued functions such as min and max. These logics
have a long and distinguished history, being currently studied
intensively as fuzzy logics suitable as the basis for systems
reasoning under vagueness. We begin with a brief survey of the history and
definitions of many-valued logics, then consider in more detail the popular
"t-norm based" approach of Hajek, and some recent generalizations. We
conclude by considering some advanced topics at the frontiers of research
in this field.
Relevant Material: PDF
- Helmut VEITH, Munich (Verification)
Title: Temporal Logic Model Checking
Model checking is an automatic verification technique for finite state
concurrent systems. In this approach to verification, temporal logic
specifications are checked by an exhaustive search of the state space of
the concurrent system. Since the size of the state space grows
exponentially with the number of processes, model checking techniques
based on explicit state enumeration can only handle relatively small
examples. This phenomenon is commonly called the "State Explosion
Problem". Over the past fifteen years considerable progress has been made
on this problem by (1) representing the state space symbolically using
BDDs and by (2) using abstraction to reduce the size of the state space
that must be searched. As a result model checking has been used
successfully to find extremely subtle errors in hardware controllers and
communication protocols. In spite of these successes, however, additional
research is needed to handle large designs of industrial complexity. The
aim of this tutorial is to give a succinct survey of symbolic model
checking and to introduce the reader to recent advances in abstraction.
- Andrei VORONKOV, Manchester (Automated Theorem Proving)
Title: Funding Possibilities for Scientists from NIS Countries
The European Union and many member countries have developed
scientific programes which are directed at scientific cooperation
and development of NIS countries. In this lecture, we will
survey different programs, including TEMPUS, INTAS and Marie Curie
by the EU, as well as specific Austrian scholarships.
Social Program
- Wednesday: Excursion:
Our excursion will lead us Uplistsikhe an impressive town dating from the
Broze-ages and central to Georgian history. When Tibilisi was in Arab hands,
many Georgian Kings ruled from there protected by its imregnable riverside
position. You will see pre-Christian audience halls and living quarters
cutted in stone. On the way, we will visit Mtskheta, the ancient capital of
Georgia with its cathedral Sveti-Tskohveli, the religious center of the
country, and the (worldwide last?) museum devoted to Stalin in Gori. A
riverside dinner will complete our excursion.
- Friday: Conference Dinner
The conference fee includes free participation in the social program.
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