Journal Submission Notific. CfP Topic ====================================================================================================================== --------------------------------------------------- 2011 ------------------------------------------------------------- Mathematical Structures in Comp. Sci. 30/04/11 31/05/11 cfp Partial Combinatory Algebras in Realizability and Computability Information and Computation 18/02/11 cfp Security and Rewriting Techniques Mathematical Structures in Comp. Sci. 31/01/11 31/05/11 cfp Dependently Typed Programming and Related Topics Annals of Pure and Applied Logic a 15/01/11 15/02/11 cfp Classical Logic and Computation Journal of Symbolic Computation + 10/01/11 18/04/11 cfp Invariant Generation and Advanced Techniques for Reasoning about Loops --------------------------------------------------- 2010 ------------------------------------------------------------- Logical Methods in Computer Science 29/11/10 01/03/11 cfp Computability and Complexity in Analysis Theoretical Comuter Science 15/11/10 15/02/11 cfp Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages and Systems Studia Logica + 04/10/10 cfp Logic and Natural Language Studia Logica 03/09/10 cfp Logic and Natural Language Semantic Web - Interop., Usab., Applicab. + 31/07/10 30/09/10 cfp Semantic Web Tools and Systems Semantic Web - Interop., Usab., Applic. 15/07/10 15/09/10 cfp Real-world Applications of OWL Mathematical Structures in Comp. Sci. p 28/06/10 27/09/10 cfp Advances and Perspectives in the Mechanization of Mathematics Journal of Symbolic Computation + 01/06/10 cfp First Order Theorem Proving Science of Computer Programming 31/05/10 cfp Automated Verification of Critical Systems Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 01/05/10 01/0810 cfp Quantitative Formal Methods: Theory and Applications Journal of Symbolic Computation 11/04/10 02/08/10 cfp Symbolic Computation in Software Science Trans. on Computational Systems Biology 31/03/10 30/06/10 cfp Computational Models for Cell Processes Annals of Math. and AI 10/03/10 10/05/10 cfp Formal Methods in Aerospace: Techniques from Logic, Mathematics and AI Mathematical Structures in Comp. Sci. p 28/02/10 30/09/10 cfp Differential Linear Logic, Nets, and Other Qualitative and Parallel Approaches to Proof-Theory Journal of Visual Languages and Computing p 31/01/10 cfp Visual Languages and Logic Mathematical Structures in Comp. Sci. a 31/01/10 30/09/10 cfp Differential Linear Logic, Nets, and Other Qualitative and Parallel Approaches to Proof-Theory --------------------------------------------------- 2009 ------------------------------------------------------------- Journal of Universal Computer Science 14/12/09 15/03/10 cfp Computability and Complexity in Analysis (CCA 2009) Journal of Symbolic Computation + 07/12/09 29/03/10 cfp Automated Specification and Verification of Web Systems Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 30/11/09 cfp Visual Languages and Logic Journal of Automated Reasoning 01/10/09 cfp Binding, Substitution and Naming Journal of Functional Programming 01/10/09 15/01/10 cfp Generic Programming Journal of Symbolic Computation + 06/09/09 01/12/09 cfp Invariant Generation and Advanced Techniques for Reasoning about Loops Logica Universalis 31/08/09 cfp Is logic universal? Journal of Constraints +p 10/08/09 cfp Constraint-Based Approaches to Preference Modelling and Reasoning Journal of Constraints +a 30/07/09 cfp Constraint-Based Approaches to Preference Modelling and Reasoning Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 30/06/09 cfp Advances in Constructive Topology and Logical Foundations (SAMIBN60) Journal of Automated Reasoning + 29/06/09 cfp POPLmark Challenge Logic Journal of the IGPL 31/05/09 cfp Hybrid Logic Information and Computation 31/05/09 cfp Intuitionistic Modal Logics and Applications (IMLA) Studia Logica 31/05/09 cfp The Contributions of Logic to the Foundations of Physics - TRENDS in LOGIC VI IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 01/05/09 30/10/09 cfp Exception Handling: From Requirements to Software Maintenance Journal of Automated Reasoning p 30/04/09 cfp Computer Security: Foundations and Automated Reasoning Journal of Automated Reasoning a 23/04/09 cfp Computer Security: Foundations and Automated Reasoning Annals of Math. and AI +p 04/04/09 31/06/09 cfp Commonsense Reasoning for the Semantic Web Annals of Pure and Applied Logic a 30/03/09 cfp Classical Logic and Computation (CL&L 200) Journal of Symbolic Computation + 30/03/09 27/07/09 cfp Symbolic Computation in Software Science (special issue after SCSS'08) Annals of Pure and Applied Logic a 01/03/09 cfp Classical Logic and Computation (CL&L 200) J. of Alg. in Cogn., Inform. and Logic + 16/02/09 cfp Unification Artificial Intelligence 15/02/09 15/06/09 cfp Representing, Learning, and Processing Preferences: Theoretical and Practical Challenges Mathematics in Computer Science + 26/01/09 06/03/09 cfp Authoring, Digitalization and Management of Mathematical Knowledge Theory and Practice of Logic Programming p 10/01/09 cfp Programming in Databases: From Datalog to Semantic Web Rules --------------------------------------------------- 2008 ------------------------------------------------------------- AI Communications p 22/12/08 23/03/09 cfp Practical Aspects of Automated Reasoning Annals of Math. and AI +p 30/11/08 cfp Constraints to Formal Verification and AI (CFVAI) J. on Satisf., Boolean Modeling and Comp. p 30/11/08 cfp Parallel SAT Solving Journal of Automated Reasoning p 28/11/08 27/02/09 cfp Description Logics Journal of Automated Reasoning p 10/11/08 16/01/09 cfp Programming Languages and Mechanized Mathematics Systems Theory and Practice of Logic Programming a 31/10/08 cfp Programming in Databases: From Datalog to Semantic Web Rules J. of Logic, Language and Information p 31/10/08 cfp Visual Languages and Logic Studia Logica p 31/10/08 cfp Truth Values Mathematics in Computer Science p 15/10/08 30/01/09 cfp Polynomial System Solving Fundamenta Informaticae p 01/10/08 15/01/09 cfp Dependently Typed Programming EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems p 30/09/08 cfp Formal Techniques for Embedded Systems Design and Validation Mathematics in Computer Science +p 30/09/08 +16/11/08 cfp Symbolic Computation in Biology Mathematics in Computer Science p 30/09/08 15/01/09 cfp Symbolic Computation and Cryptography Journal of Automated Reasoning p 30/09/08 cfp Tests and Proofs Mathematics in Computer Science p 30/09/08 cfp Algorithms and Complexity at the Interface of Mathematics and Computer Science Journal of Automated Reasoning p 15/09/08 cfp Operating Systems Verification Fundamenta Informaticae p 20/07/08 cfp Intersection Types and Related Systems Journal of Scheduling p 15/06/08 cfp Applications and Methodologies for Planning and Scheduling Annals of Math. and AI p 28/05/08 04/08/08 cfp First-Order Theorem Proving Fundamenta Informaticae +p 10/04/08 cfp Machines, Computations and Universality EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems p 06/04/08 cfp Formal Techniques for Embedded Systems Design and Validation J. of Symbolic Computation p 06/04/08 cfp Automated Deduction: Decidability, Complexity, Tractability Fundamenta Informaticae p 01/04/08 cfp Machines, Computations and Universality J. of Logic, Language and Information p 01/03/08 01/06/08 cfp Hybrid Logic J. of Logic and Algebraic Programming p 31/01/08 31/05/08 cfp Applying Concurrency Research in Industry J. of Logic, Language and Information p 31/01/08 cfp Visual Languages and Logic Mathematical Structures in Comp. Sci. p 19/01/08 cfp Programming Language Interference and Dependence IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering p 19/01/08 10/07/08 cfp Quantitative Evaluation of Computer Systems Annals of Pure and Applied Logic p 13/01/08 cfp Formal Topology IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering a 12/01/08 10/07/08 cfp Quantitative Evaluation of Computer Systems Mathematical Structures in Comp. Sci. a 12/01/08 cfp Programming Language Interference and Dependence --------------------------------------------------- 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------- Theoretical Comuter Science p 31/12/07 cfp Festschrift TCS Special Issue dedicated to Jean-Yves Girard Mathematics in Computer Science p 15/12/07 cfp Management of Mathematical Knowledge Journal of Logic and Computation p 01/12/07 cfp Coalgebra & Logic J. of Logic, Language and Information a 30/11/07 cfp Visual Languages and Logic Theoretical Comuter Science a 30/09/07 cfp Festschrift TCS Special Issue dedicated to Jean-Yves Girard Constraints Journal p 15/09/07 cfp Quantified CSPs and QBF J. of Logic and Algebraic Programming p 01/09/07 cfp Streams and Algebra Constraints Journal p 01/07/07 cfp Abstraction and Automation in Constraint Modelling Formal Aspects of Computing +p 01/07/07 cfp Formal Modeling and Verification of Critical Systems Notes of Math. Sem. of St.Petersburg ... p 10/05/07 cfp Studies in Constructive Mathematics and Mathematical Logic. Issue XI Journal of Database Management p 02/04/07 05/11/07 cfp XML Data Services: Technology Evolution and Challenges IEEE Software +p 15/02/07 cfp Rapid Application Development with Dynamically Typed Languages Information & Computation p 15/02/07 cfp Structural Operational Semantics Constraints Journal p 31/01/07 30/04/07 cfp Constraint based methods for Bioinformatics J. on Satisf., Boolean Modeling and Comp. p 10/01/07 cfp Application of Constraints to Formal Verification Constraints Journal a 10/01/07 30/04/07 cfp Constraint based methods for Bioinformatics --------------------------------------------------- 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------- Information & Computation a 15/12/06 cfp Structural Operational Semantics Mathematical Structures in Comp. Sci. p 06/12/06 cfp Isomorphisms of Types and Invertibility of Lambda-Terms Journal of Applied Logic p 04/12/06 12/02/07 cfp Empirically Successful Computerized Reasoning (ESCoR) J. on Satisf., Boolean Modeling and Comp. p 30/11/06 cfp Constraint Programming and SAT J. on Satisf., Boolean Modeling and Comp. p 25/11/06 cfp Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) Information and Computation p 12/11/06 cfp Computer Security: Foundations and Automated Reasoning Annals of Pure and Applied Logic p 31/10/06 cfp Classical Logic and Computation Mathematics in Computer Science p 15/10/06 cfp Algorithms and Complexity at the Interface of Mathematics and Computer Science Constraints Journal p 30/09/06 31/12/06 cfp Symmetry in Constraint Programming ACM Transactions on Computational Logic p 31/08/06 30/11/06 cfp Implicit Computational Complexity Theoretical Computer Science p 14/07/06 01/10/06 cfp Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages and Systems Theory and Practice of Logic Programming p 15/06/06 15/02/07 cfp Implementation of Logic Programming Systems Journal of Automated Reasoning p 16/04/06 cfp Reasoning in Description Logics Fundamenta Informaticae +p 15/04/06 15/08/06 cfp Logic for Pragmatics Journal of Automated Reasoning p 15/01/06 15/05/06 cfp Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods Mathematical Structures in Comp. Sci. p 15/01/06 cfp Rewriting Calculi and Higher-Order Reductions User Interfaces for Theorem Proving Journal of Theoretical Computer Science p 08/01/06 27/02/06 cfp Applied Semantics --------------------------------------------------- 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------- Journal of Automated Reasoning p 05/12/05 20/01/06 cfp Empirically Successful Automated Reasoning Annals of Mathematics and AI p 01/12/05 01/02/06 cfp Answer Set Programming Journal of Automated Reasoning p 01/12/05 01/03/06 cfp User Interfaces for Theorem Proving Theoretical Computer Science p 13/11/05 cfp Automated Reasoning for Security Protocol Analysis Theoretical Computer Science a 06/11/05 cfp Automated Reasoning for Security Protocol Analysis Annals of Pure and Applied Logic p 01/11/05 cfp Games for Logic and Programming Languages Mathematical Structures in Comp. Sci. p 15/10/05 cfp Developments in Computational Models Science of Computer Programming p 01/10/05 cfp Experimental Software and Toolkits (EST) Int. Journal of Human-Computer Studies p 01/09/05 01/11/05 cfp Knowledge Representation with Ontologies: Present Challenges - Future Possibilities Mathematical Structures in Comp. Sci. p 01/09/05 cfp Theory and Applications of Term Graph Rewriting Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics p 01/07/05 01/11/05 cfp Implementation of logics Journal of Logic and Algebraic Progr. p 27/06/05 12/09/05 cfp Theory and Foundations of Programming Language Interference and Dependence Studia Logica p 31/03/05 cfp Cut-elimination in classical and nonclassical logic Formal Methods in System Design p 28/02/05 07/09/05 cfp Parallel and Distributed Methods in Verification Information and Computation 22/01/05 15/04/05 cfp Combining Logical Systems --------------------------------------------------- 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------- Mathematical Structures in Comp. Sci. a 15/12/04 07/09/05 cfp Quantum Programming Languages Journal of Logic, Language and Information 01/12/04 31/01/05 cfp Guarded Logics and Decidable Fragments Journal of Automated Reasoning 26/11/04 cfp Automated Reasoning for Security Protocol Analysis Journal of Applied Logic 15/11/04 cfp Mathematics Assistance Systems Journal of Automated Reasoning 01/11/04 cfp SAT 2005 Journal of Applied Logic 31/10/04 26/11/04 cfp Methods for Modalities Journal of Applied Logic 15/10/04 15/02/05 cfp Logic-Based Agent Verification Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation + 25/04/04 cfp MEchanized Reasoning about Languages with variable bINding Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 31/03/04 cfp Specification, Analysis and Verification of Reactive Systems Fundamenta Informaticae 31/03/04 15/06/04 cfp Program Transformation --------------------------------------------------- 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------- Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 31/12/03 cfp Processes and Security Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 15/12/03 01/06/04 cfp Multiparadigm Languages and Constraint Programming Journal of Automated Resononing 30/11/03 31/03/04 cfp Techniques for Automated Termination Proofs IEE Proceedings - Software 31/10/03 Language Definitions and Tool Generation Journal of Automated Resononing 15/10/03 16/02/04 cfp First-Order Theorem Proving Science of Computer Programming 01/04/03 01/07/03 cfp Program Transformation
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