On June 3 our colleague and friend Bernhard Gramlich passed away.
After studying computer science in Karlsruhe and Kaiserslautern, Bernhard spent several years as post-doc at INRIA Lorraine (Nancy). In 1998 he joined our university and became Associate Professor in 2000. His interests in research and teaching centered around term rewrite systems and automated equational reasoning. His career was interrupted one year ago when he was diagnosed with MSA, an aggressive incurable nerve disease.
We have lost an enthusiastic scientist, an engaged teacher and one of the most amiable persons we have ever met.
Snail: Bernhard Gramlich Technische Universität Wien | Vienna University of Technology Fakultät für Informatik | Faculty of Informatics AG Theoretische Informatik und Logik | Theory and Logic Group Favoritenstr. 9, E185/2 A-1040 Wien, Austria E-mail: gramlich@logic.at WWW: http://www.logic.at/staff/gramlich Phone: +43-1-58801-18544 Fax: +43-1-58801-18597
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