Interesting Conferences & Workshops

(see also Interesting Journals, Interesting Special Issues of Journals)

on foundational, theoretical, logical, and mathematical aspects of computer science (including in particular: rewriting & equational reasoning, automated & interactive deductive & inductive reasoning, specification & verification, formal methods, programming languages & software engineering, logical frameworks, computational logic, automata & formal languages, artificial intelligence)

(ordered by submission deadline, all data without guarantee, incomplete list, never up-to-date but useful)

Interesting Conferences & Workshops with submission deadline in 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999 or before

Interesting Summer Schools & Related Events

Dates are of the form dd/mm/yy.

Abbreviations used:
+ extended deadline
++ newly extended deadline
(1d) 1 day
a deadline for submission of abstracts or posters
ap deadline for submission of application papers
c deadline for submission of cases / examples
ch changed/postponed deadline
comp-b benchmark submission for competition
comp-r registration of tools for competition
comp-s solver submission for competition
demo deadline for proposing demos
dp deadline for submission of doctoral program papers
DS doctoral symposium
ea deadline for submission of extended abstracts
et deadline for submission of emerging trends papers
er deadline for early registration / application
fa deadline for submission of fast abstracts
g deadline for application for grants
i deadline for intention to submit
p deadline for submission of (full) papers
po deadline for submission of posters
pp deadline for submission of position papers
pr deadline for submission of proposals
proc deadline for submission of (full) papers for (post) proceedings
r deadline for registration / application
rp deadline for submission of research papers
s deadline for submission of solutions
sa deadline for submission of short abstracts
se deadline for proposing satellite events
SE satellite event
sp deadline for submission of short papers
ST special track / session / working session
SY symposium
t deadline for submission of talks
ta deadline for submission of title + author(s)
tool deadline for tool (or industrial) papers
tut deadline for tutorial proposal
TUT tutorial
wip deadline for work in progress papers
ws deadline for course or workshop proposal
WS workshop

Event                     Submission  Notification  Date                Location

======================================================== 2011 ========================================================

ETAPS'11 WS DICE        + 03/01/11    27/01/11      02/04-03/04/11      Saarbrücken (Germany)
ETAPS'11 WS ROCKS         03/01/11    21/01/11      26/03-27/03/11      Saarbruecken (Germany)
LATA'11                   03/01/11    14/02/11      30/05-03/06/11      Tarragona (Spain)
LICS'11                 a 05/01/11    07/03/11      21/06-24/06/11      Toronto (Ontario, Canada)
PN'11                     05/01/11    01/03/11      22/06-24/06/11      Kanazawa (Japan)
QUANTUM-75-YEARS'11                                 06/01-10/01/11      Kolkata (India)
RTA'11                  a 07/01/11    04/03/11      30/05-01/06/11      Novi Sad (Serbia)
ICCS'11 WS PGTAT          08/01/11    20/02/11      01/06-03/06/11(1d?) Tsukuba (Japan)
WOLLIC'11              +a 08/01/11    21/02/11      18/05-21/05/11      Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA)
ELS'11                    09/01/11                  31/03-01/04/11      Hamburg (Germany)
ETAPS'11 WS PLACES        10/01/11    10/02/11      02/04-02/04/11      Saarbruecken (Germany)
FM'11                     10/01/11    08/03/11      20/06-24/06/11      Lero, Limerick (Ireland)
ICLP'11                 a 10/01/11    11/03/11      06/07-10/-7/11      Lexington (Kentucky, USA)
CAV'11                  a 14/01/11    19/03/11      14/07-20/07/11      Cliff Lodge, Snowbird (Utah, USA)
RTA'11                  p 14/01/11    04/03/11      30/05-01/06/11      Novi Sad (Serbia)
BLCLS'11                  15/01/11    15/03/11      07/05-13/05/11      Niterói (RJ, Brazil)
SSIRI'11                  15/01/11    10/03/11      27/06-29/06/11      Jeju Island (Korea)
WOLLIC'11              +p 15/01/11    21/02/11      18/05-21/05/11      Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA)
LICS'11                ws 16/11/10    15/12/10      20/06-25/06/11      Toronto (Ontario, Canada)
CAI'11                    17/01/11    07/03/11      21/06-24/06/11      Hagenberg / Linz (Austria)
ICLP'11                 p 17/01/11    11/03/11      06/07-10/-7/11      Lexington (Kentucky, USA)
IJCAI'11                a 19/01/11    31/03/11      19/07-22/07/10      Barcelona (Spain)
PAVAS'11                                            20/01-20/01/11      Cachan (France)
CGO'11 WS WIR             21/01/11    25/02/11      02/04-03/04/11      Chamonix (France)
CAV'11                  p 21/01/11    19/03/11      14/07-20/07/11      Cliff Lodge, Snowbird (Utah, USA)
IJCAI'11                p 24/01/11    31/03/11      19/07-22/07/10      Barcelona (Spain)
IJCAI'11                p 24/01/11    31/03/11      16/07-22/07/11      Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain)
TABLEAUX'11             a 24/01/11    28/03/11      04/07-08/07/11      Bern (Switzerland)
PSI'11                    26/01/11    02/04/11      27/06-01/07/11      Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok (Russia)
CIE'11                  + 28/01/11    12/03/11      27/06-02/07/11      Sofia (Bulgaria)
TOOLS-EUROPE'11           28/01/11    23/03/11      28/06-30/06/11      Zurich (Switzerland)
SC'11                     30/01/11    20/03/11      30/06-01/07/11      Zurich Switzerland)
CLMPS'11                + 31/01/11    31/03/11      19/07-26/07/11      Nancy (France)
ECSQARU'11                31/01/11    21/03/11      29/06-01/07/11      Belfast (Northern Ireland, UK)
TABLEAUX'11             p 31/01/11    28/03/11      04/07-08/07/11      Bern (Switzerland)
UC'11                     31/01/11    04/03/11      06/06-10/06/11      Turku (Finland)
CADE'11                 a 01/02/11    20/03/11      02/08-05/08/11      Wroclaw (Poland)
TAMC'11                   05/02/11    04/03/11      23/05-25/05/11      Tokyo (Japan)
LACL'11                   06/02/11    25/03/11      29/06-01/07/11      Montpellier (France)
OAL'11                  a 14/02/11    28/03/11      06/06-10/06/11      Kraków (Poland)
TAP'11                  a 04/02/11    14/03/11      30/06-01/07/11      Zuerich (Switzerland)
CALCO'11                a 06/02/11    20/04/11      29/08-02/09/11      Winchester (UK)
CADE'11                 p 07/02/11    20/03/11      02/08-05/08/11      Wroclaw (Poland)
ISMIS'11                  07/02/11    21/03/11      28/06-30/06/11      Warsaw (Poland)
SCALA-DAYS'11             08/02/11    15/03/11      02/06-02/06/11      Stanford (California, USA)
SAT'11                  a 11/02/11    18/03/11      19/06-22/06/11      Ann Arbor (ichigan, USA)
CALCO'11                p 13/02/11    20/04/11      29/08-02/09/11      Winchester (UK)
ITP'11                  a 13/02/11    18/04/11      22/08-25/08/11      Nijmegen (The Netherlands)
ICALP'11                  15/02/11    12/04/11      04/07-08/07/11      Zurich (Switzerland)
EUROPLOP'11               15/02/11    07/05/11      13/07-17/07/11      Irsee Monastery (Bavaria, Germany)
UC'11 WS LTB              15/02/11    04/03/11      06/06-10/06/11(1d)  Turku (Finland)
SAT'11                  p 18/02/11    18/03/11      19/06-22/06/11      Ann Arbor (Michigan, USA)
DLT'11                    21/02/11    02/04/11      19/07-22/07/11      Milano (Italy
MFPS'11                 a 21/02/11    31/03/11      25/05-28/05/11      Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA)
MEMOCODE'11             a 25/02/11    29/04/11      11/07-13/07/11      Cambridge (UK)
SAFECOMP'11               27/02/11    09/05/11      19/09-21/09/11      Napoli (Italy)
MFPS'11                 p 28/02/11    31/03/11      25/05-28/05/11      Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA)
UC'11 WS HYPERNET         28/02/11    01/04/11      06/06-10/06/11(1d?) Turku (Finland)
UC'11 WS PHYS-COMP        28/02/11    01/04/11      06/06-10/06/11(1d?) Turku (Finland)
BCB'11                    01/03/11    15/04/11      01/08-03/08/11      Chicago (llinois, USA)
CIAA'11                   01/03/11    08/04/11      13/07-16/07/11      Blois (France)
LT'11                     01/03/11    01/04/11      14/06-17/06/11      Besse-en-Chandesse (France)
PPDP'11                 a 01/03/11    09/04/11      20/07-22/07/11      Odense (Denmark)
CICM'11 ST MKM          a 03/03/11    21/04/11      18/07-23/07/11      Bertinoro, Forli (Italy)
FM'11 WS B              a 03/03/11    12/04/11      21/06-21/06/11      Lero, Limerick (Ireland)
FM'11 WS CRYPTOFORMA      04/03/11    15/04/11      21/06-21/06/11      Lero, Limerick (Ireland)
MEMOCODE'11             p 04/03/11    29/04/11      11/07-13/07/11      Cambridge (UK)
PPDP'11                 p 06/03/11    09/04/11      20/07-22/07/11      Odense (Denmark)
FM'11 WS B              p 10/03/11    12/04/11      21/06-21/06/11      Lero, Limerick (Ireland)
CICM'11 ST MKM          p 11/03/11    21/04/11      18/07-23/07/11      Bertinoro, Forli (Italy)
GANDALF'11              a 13/03/11    22/04/11      15/06-17/06/11      Minori (Amalfi Coast, Italy)
DCFS'11                   14/03/11                  25/07-27/07/11      Giessen (Germany)
ICFP'11                 a 17/03/11    30/05/11      19/09-21/09/11      Tokyo (Japan)
SAS'11                  a 17/03/11    12/05/11      14/09-16/09/11      Venice (Italy)
GANDALF'11              p 20/03/11    22/04/11      15/06-17/06/11      Minori (Amalfi Coast, Italy)
RDP'11 WS WRS             20/03/11    11/04/11      29/05-29/05/11      Novi Sad (Serbia)
FM'11 WS REF              21/03/11    15/04/11      20/06-20/06/11      Lero, Limerick (Ireland)
WCT'11                                              22/03-23/03/11      San Francisco (Califonia, USA)
ICFP'11                 p 24/03/11    30/05/11      19/09-21/09/11      Tokyo (Japan)
SAS'11                  p 24/03/11    12/05/11      14/09-16/09/11      Venice (Italy)
FMICS'11               +a 25/03/11    06/05/11      29/08-30/08/11      Trento (Italy)
PLS'11                  a 25/03/11    07/05/11      04/07-08/07/11      Ioannina  (Greece)
CSL'11                  a 27/03/11    30/05/11      12/09-15/09/11      Odense (Denmark)
QI'11                   a 28/03/11    01/05/11      27/06-29/06/11      Aberdeen (UK)
FMICS'11               +p 01/04/11    06/05/11      29/08-30/08/11      Trento (Italy)
QI'11                   p 01/04/11    01/05/11      27/06-29/06/11      Aberdeen (UK)
TFP'11                 ea 02/04/11    15/04/11      16/05-18/05/11      Madrid (Spain)
TFP'11                  p 02/04/11    15/04/11      16/05-18/05/11      Madrid (Spain)
CSL'11                  p 03/04/11    30/05/11      12/09-15/09/11      Odense (Denmark)
FCT'11                    05/04/11    06/06/11      12/07-15/07/11      Oslo (Norway)
SLE'11                    08/04/11    13/05/11      03/07-06/07/11      Braga (Portugal)
DFCS'11                   15/04/11    30/05/11      12/07-15/07/11      Blois (France)
FSMNLP'11                 15/04/11    30/05/11      12/07-15/07/11      Blois (France)
LOPSTR'11             +ea 17/04/11    16/05/11      18/07-20/07/11      Odense (Denmark)
LOPSTR'11              +p 17/04/11    16/05/11      18/07-20/07/11      Odense (Denmark)
SBLP'11                 a 22/04/11    30/05/11      26/09-30/09/11      Sao Paulo (Brazil)
SBLP'11                 p 29/04/11    30/05/11      26/09-30/09/11      Sao Paulo (Brazil)
CICM'11 ST CALCULEMUS   a 30/04/11    30/05/11      18/07-23/07/11      Bertinoro, Forli (Italy)
FM'11 WS FM+AM            30/04/11    30/05/11      20/06-21/06/11      Lero, Limerick (Ireland)
BLAST'11                r 01/05/11                  01/06-05/06/11      Lawrence (Kansas, France)
FroCoS'11              +a 02/05/11    16/06/11      05/10-07/10/11      Saarbrücken (Germany)
CICM'11 ST CALCULEMUS   p 07/05/11    30/05/11      18/07-23/07/11      Bertinoro, Forli (Italy)
FroCoS'11              +p 09/05/11    16/06/11      05/10-07/10/11      Saarbrücken (Germany)
ICHPC'11                  15/05/11    20/07/11      07?11-10/11/11      Gent (Belgium)
AGTIVE'11                 23/05/11    18/07/11      04/10-07/10/11      Budapest (Hungary)
RDP'11                                              29/05-03/06/11      Novi Sad (Serbia)
RDP'11 WS WRS                                       29/05-29/05/11      Novi Sad (Serbia)
TLCA'11                                             01/06-03/06/11      Novi Sad (Serbia)
OAL'11                                              06/06-10/06/11      Krakow (Poland)
HAJNAL80-IFS'11                                     13/06-17/06/11      Budapest (Hungary)
MECBIC'11              a 25/06/11     02/07/11      23/08-24/08/11      Fontainebleau (France)
MECBIC'11              p 02/07/11     02/07/11      23/08-24/08/11      Fontainebleau (France)
K'11                   a 07/07/11     10/07/11      08/08-12/08/11      Cheile Gradistei (Romania)
RDP'11 WS WRS       proc 12/09/11     11/04/11      29/05-29/05/11      Novi Sad (Serbia)
KPS'11                                              25/09-28/09/11      Schloss Raesfeld, Münsterland (Germany)
K'11                proc 31/10/11     12/12/11      08/08-12/08/11      Cheile Gradistei (Romania)
ALC'11                                              15/12-20/12/11      Wellington (New Zealand)
IJCAR'12               a 23/01/12     26/03/12      30/06-01/07/12      Manchester (UK)
IJCAR'12               p 30/01/12     26/03/12      30/06-01/07/12      Manchester (UK)


Last modified: Wed Oct 19 18:34:47 CEST 2011

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