
International Workshop on
First order Theorem Proving

Schloss Wilhelminenberg, Vienna, Austria
November 23 - 25, 1998

Contents of this page

Scope of the workshop

FTP'98 is the second in a series of workshops intended to focus effort on First-Order Theorem Proving as a core theme of Automated Deduction, and to provide a forum for presentation of very recent work and discussion of research in progress.

The workshop welcomes original contributions on theorem proving in classical, many-valued, and modal first-order logics, including resolution and tableau methods; equational reasoning and term-rewriting systems; constraint-based reasoning; unification algorithms for first-order theories; specialized decision procedures; propositional logic; abstraction; first-order constraints; complexity of theorem proving procedures; and applications of first-order theorem provers to problems in artificial intelligence, verification, mathematics, as well as other areas.

Technical Program

The technical program includes presentations of the accepted papers as well as invited talks by

The program is available as plain text, in LaTeX, and PDF format.

Conference Venue

Schloss Wilheminenberg is located in Vienna, capital city of Austria and center of the old Habsburg empire.


Authors are invited to submit papers in the following categories:

Submissions should be prepared with a font size not smaller than 11pt. The first page should contain the title, authors, e-mail, and postal addresses of the authors. Submission is via e-mail or WWW; see the submission page for detailed instructions.

The extended submission deadline is September 27, 1998. Decisions on acceptance will be sent by October 25, 1998. The deadline for sending the final versions is November 8, 1998.

Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their contribution at the workshop.


Accepted submissions will be collected in a volume to be distributed at the workshop. Additionally, the submissions will be made available on the web after the workshop.

Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit a full version, which will again be refereed. The selected papers will be published in the workshop proceedings; the publisher is not yet fixed. Details will be announced at the workshop.

Conference Organization

Program Committee:

Maria Paola Bonacina (University of Iowa)
Ricardo Caferra (LEIBNIZ-IMAG, Grenoble) (co-chair,
Ulrich Furbach (Universität Koblenz)
Fausto Giunchiglia (IRST, Trento)
Jieh Hsiang (National Taiwan University, Taipei)
Reinhold Letz (Technische Universität München)
Hans Jürgen Ohlbach (Imperial College, London)
David Plaisted (UNC at Chapel Hill)
Michael Rusinowitch (LORIA, Nancy)
Gernot Salzer (Technische Universität Wien) (co-chair, salzer@logic.at)
Mark Stickel (SRI, Menlo Park)
Andrei Voronkov (Uppsala University)

Local Arrangements Chair:

Franziska Gusel (Technische Universität Wien), gusel@logic.at

Steering Committee:

David Plaisted (UNC at Chapel Hill) (chair)
Maria Paola Bonacina (University of Iowa)
Ulrich Furbach (Universität Koblenz)
Jieh Hsiang (National Taiwan University)
Christopher Lynch (Clarkson University)
Xumin Nie (Wichita State University)
Michael Rusinowitch (LORIA, Nancy)
Gernot Salzer (Technische Universität Wien)
Camilla Schwind (Université Aix-Marseille II)
Klaus Trümper (University of Texas at Dallas)
Hantao Zhang (University of Iowa)

Important dates

September 27, 1998: Paper submissions
October 25, 1998: Acceptance notification
November 8, 1998: Camera-ready copy due
November 23-25, 1998: FTP'98

Further information

For further information, please contact either one of the program chairs, Ricardo.Caferra and Gernot Salzer, or Franziska Gusel for local arrangements.

The call for papers is available as plain text, as LaTeX source, and in PDF format.

The preliminary program is available as plain text, as LaTeX source, and in PDF format.

The last workshop in this series , FTP'97, took place October 27-28, 1997, at Schloss Hagenberg, Austria. The proceedings appeared in the RISC-Linz Report Series, No. 97-50, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (Austria), 1997. They are also available on the web.

Gernot Salzer