The organization thanks everybody for making the ESSLLI a great

Vienna University of Technology
Vienna, Austria
18th - 29th
August 2003

Kurt Gödel Society
TU Wien
bm:bwk Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur
European Association for Logic,
Language and Information
News |
2003-10-26: The Photo Galleries are
online! The questionaire is finished. This is the last change of this
web page.
2003-08-28: The questionaire is online. Please visit
http://www.logic.at/esslli03/evaluation.html" and tell
us your opinion.
2003-08-15: Web registration is closed. Please register on site.
2003-08-05: Lots of new information concerning on-site registration,
schedule, social program, venue, location, public transport. More or
less everywhere.
2003-04-23: A bulletin board is online, please visit it if you
are searching for a room mate, or anything else you want to share with your
fellow ESSLLI participant. BUT PLEASE do NOT use it for anything else
then ESSLLI related stuff. The admins will check the BB and delete rubbish.
2003-03-19: The time of the slots are fixed, and information on the evening
lecturers are on the web, please see here.
2003-03-04: Hotel reservation can be made here.
2003-03-03: More information on social
2003-03-03: Registration has started, go
2003-03-03: Information on accomodation
are online.
The schedule is online.
2003-02-18: The informations on courses have been extended to include in
which week the course will be given. The lecturer also get now more
informations on there courses.
2003-02-11: Information about Kindergarden/Child care are on the
General Information page.
2003-02-10: Registration fees
and social program added.
2003-02-06: Some preliminary registration info added.
2003-01-28: Grants info is on
the web.
2003-01-27: Colocated Events are on
the web.
2003-01-11: First informations of the social
program are here.
2002-11-04: The lecturer page where
the lecturers can change the descritpions
of their courses/workshops is ready. THe passwords will be sent soon.
2002-10-29: The workshops have their own page, soon there will be
the announcements and the call for papers.
2002-10-10: The descriptions of courses and workshops is online!
2002-10-07: The list of courses and
workshops is online!
2002-08-07: First draft of the webpage, still a lot of work to do.
© 2002, 2003 Kurt Gödel Society, Norbert Preining. |
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